Windows 10 Brain Games App with 11 Challenging Games

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BrainGames 2 is a free Windows 10 brain games app where you get a collection of fun and challenging brain games which can be played by anyone. The app has a collection of 11 fun games in which you have to put your brain to work for you.

The Windows 10 brain games app can be downloaded from the Windows 10 store or from the link given at the end of this article. When you start this app you will come across an interface as shown in the screenshot below.

braingames 2 home

As you can see all the available 11 games are listed on the home page in tiles format. To play a game you have to click on the game tile and you will be taken to the game screen. Let’s look at these games in brief.

Move the Face: In this puzzle game app you have to move same colored blocks in a row or column to remove them from the board. There should atleast be 3 blocks together to eliminate them. Each game also has a specific number of moves in which you have to finish the game for completing the level successfully. The game screenshot can be seen below.

braingames 2 moves the face

Right side of the window shows all the levels available with the game. You can click on any level and start playing it. The help button at the bottom will show you a description of the game. The reset button will reset the game to level one. The number of moves you have to complete the level in is given below the blocks in red color.

The layout of the levels will be same in all the games, as you will notice in the later screenshots.

Clear the field: In this puzzle you have to click on groups of same colored balls to wipe them off the board and reveal an image. In this puzzle you have to keep in mind the number of moves as well.

Arrows: In this puzzle you have to set the arrows direction in such a way that every field is being hit by the correct number of arrows.

Puzzle 1 to 8: In this puzzle you have to swap the number blocks to match them in ascending order row.

Lucas Tower: In this game you have to move the tiles from the left to the extreme right tower. The tiles have to be in the same order biggest at the bottom and smallest at the top. Screenshot of a solved Lucas Tower game is given below.

braingames 2 lucas tower

Halma Clone: In this game you have to jump over the number balls to arrange them in ascending order. The screenshot of this game can be seen in the screenshot below.

braingames 2 halma clone

Knights: In this game you have to choose a starting block for your Knight and then start jumping in to other blocks in a way that you jump in every field or block once.

Circle Puzzle: In this game you have to click and drag the number circles given to the empty slots in such a way that the numbers are facing each other.

Sudoku: The popular Sudoku game, but with lesser number of block to fill.

X-Sudoku: The regular Sudoku puzzle but rows are now diagonal.

Ten to win: In this game you have number given to you in the top row and two more rows given at the bottom. These two rows would be empty and there would be number suggestions in them. You have to fill up numbers in them in a way that when added they make the number in the top row.

braingames 2 ten to win

The screenshot of this game is displayed above.

Features of this Windows 10 brain games app:

  • Collection of 11 brain games.
  • Lots of levels to play in each game.
  • Description of game can be seen through the help section.
  • Varying level of difficulty.


Brain Games 2 has quite some challenging games where you have to put your brain to work. Initial levels in all the games look solvable, but when you go beyond level 2 or 3 the games become increasingly difficult. Finding solutions to these puzzles that too in limited number of moves is so challenging and fun at the same time.

Check out BrainGames 2 for Windows 10 here.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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