Convert Time to your Timezone Automatically Just by Selecting It

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MyTimeZone is a free Chrome extension to convert time to your timezone automatically just by selecting it. Using this extension, you will be able to easily convert time written anywhere on the web (like email, website, social networks, etc.) to your own timezone. To do this, all you would need to do is select the time along with its timezone. After that, it will auto convert and show the time (for your timezone) right on the context menu. Whether the time is in PST, EMT, GMT, CLST, EDT, etc., you can use this extension to convert it with ease.

The best part about this extension is that you can convert the time just by selecting it. That means unlike some other time format converters, this one doesn’t require you to manually enter the time for conversion. Do note that this extension can only convert the time which you have selected along with the timezone (for example, “3:00 AM GMT”, “11:20 PM EDT”, etc.).

How to Convert Time to your Timezone Automatically Just by Selecting It:

Before you can start converting time to your timezone, the first thing you would need to do is install the “MyTimeZone” extension on Chrome. After that, you can open any website, email, etc. which contains a time along with the timezone.

Now, simply select the time along with the timezone and right click on it. As soon as you do that, this extension will automatically convert the time to the timezone of your current location and show it on the right-click menu. As an example, you can see in the below image that the time with GMT timezone is converted to “Asia/Kolkata” IST timezone.

This is how you can select a time on the web and get it automatically converted into your timezone. From the context menu, you will also be able to see the converted time in the last 3 timezones which you have used. To do this, simply click on the converted time on the right-click menu and then a popup will appear with other timezones.

Closing Words:

MyTimeZone is a very simple Chrome extension which makes it easier for you to convert time to the timezone of your current country. Personally, I like it as you can convert time just by selecting it anywhere on the web.

Get “MyTimeZone” from here.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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