Free AI tool to Write Educational and Promotional Emails that Generate Sales

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes] is a free AI Powered online tool that enables you to generate marketing, promotional and educational emails easily and quickly. It uses the latest in ChatGPT technology resulting into copies that are optimized for superior click-through rates.

All that you need to do is enter the URL of your website or provide the topic and the AI of Tugan will generate several variations of emails in just a couple of seconds. You can then choose the ones that best befit your needs and send them in on click.

Tugan has been specially designed for entrepreneurs who wish to increase reader engagement, conversions and sales while saving time in the effort that is put into the process. You need not spend hours in crafting those ideal marketing emails. Tugan enables you to generate the emails in just a couple of seconds resulting into an increase in your productivity and efficiency.

How it Works:

1. Click on the link that we have provided at the end of this article to navigate to and sign in using your Google credentials.

2. Click on ‘Generate an Email’ and in the next page choose if you wish to generate a Sale email from a URL (or Sale content), Sale email using keywords about the product or service or an Educational email using related keywords.

Email types

3. For example, if you select ‘Sale email from a URL’ paste the URL in the Sales Page Link box and choose the types of email from the pull-down options list such as Simple pitch email, Friendly email, Special offer email, Follow-up email and more. You can also click on ‘Paste plain text’ if you wish to paste some specific sale content to generate the email. Finally, click on Generate Emails’ and wait for some time while Tugan processes the inputs and auto-generates multiple variations of the emails for you. You can scroll down to view all the variations that have been produced.

Sale email from URL

Sale email from URL generated

4.. Likewise, if you select Educational Email, you must type or describe the topic using a few keywords and click on ‘Generate new ideas’ to give you a list of content ideas. Additionally, you can also choose to add a call to action to your offer and sign with your name. Once the ideas are generated, you can click on the ‘Select’ button and generate the content for the emails based on the ideas that you select.

Educational email

Educational emails generated

5. Once the emails are generated, you can copy the one that best matches your needs and send it to anyone you like using the emailing application of your choice.

6. You can click on the ‘History’ tab in the dashboard to view and access the list of all the past emails that you have generated.

Tugan History

The free version of Tugan allows you a maximum of 8000 words for free. You must subscribe to their paid plans to remove this limitation as well as to avail additional features. Click here to read more about this.

Closing Comments: is a great AI Powered tool that can be used to generate superior quality marketing, promotional and educational emails in just a few seconds using ChatGPT technology. It is an ideal tool for busy Business owners, Content creators,  Copy writers and more who wish to save their time and strengthen their relationship with readers while increasing their conversion and profits.

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Free/Paid: Free

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