Free Website To View Recent, Upcoming, Live Rocket Launch

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Are you fascinated by rockets? And couldn’t find a place to track all the rocket launches? Well, let me introduce you to Rocket Watch. It is a one stop website to keep an eye on rocket launches from all around the World. It is the perfect place to find out if there is a rocket launch today. Here, you can view live rocket launch, recent rocket launch, and upcoming rocket launch. For each rocket launch, you will find various related information. The information includes, rocket name, satellite being carried, its space agency, launch date, and launch time. A countdown timer also runs if the rocket is going to be launched soon. You can watch live rocket launch of an upcoming event if live video is available. Recent rocket launch video and details are also available.

What’s more? When you open the dedicated page of a rocket launch, you will find its video, its Wikipedia page (if available), related news, tweets, shot description, and more.

Above is the screenshot of the homepage of Rocket Watch. Here, you can view 3 of the most recent upcoming rocket launches. For each launch, you can view short information.

Ever wondered how big is the Solar System? Find out in this Interactive Solar System Map. Here, you will also find at what distance various satellites revolve around the Earth.

How To Watch Live Rocket Launch On Rocket Watch

To view live rocket launch, all you have to do is click on the Watch button of a launch. This will open the rocket launch’s page.

At the top of the page, you will view a brief introduction of the rocket launch. This intro may tell you about the satellite and what is going to be its purpose in space.

Scroll down a little, you will be able to view live telecast of the launch if available. Along with that, you can also view related Tweets by the hosting space agency. A section for discussion via comments is also available.

So basically, you will get all the info related to a rocket launch as you can.

How To Watch Recent Rocket Launch Videos On Rocket Watch

You can scroll down on the home page of Rocket Watch to view 4 most recent launches. To watch a launch and get all info about it, click on the RE button. This will open a similar page as discussed above.

Along with all the info, tweets, discussions, and news, launch video is also available here.

As mentioned, only 4 recent rocket launches are available on the home page. To access more launch info and videos, you can go to the dedicated pages of various space agencies. A section for historic launches is also there. Open the menu from the websites top left corner. From there, you can select any space agency and historic launches.

This is what the page of a space agency looks like. You can scroll down to access the whole list of launches.

Wrap Up

Rocket Watch indeed justifies its name and lets you watch upcoming, recent, and live rocket launch. You can also watch live broadcast of rocket launch today. Additional information about rockets along with related news. If you want, you can also carry out discussions related to the launch.

Access Rocket Watch here.

Free/Paid: Free

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