SpeakerBlast: Play Same Music On Multiple Devices From Any Location

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SpeakerBlast (beta) is a free online service that helps to play same music on multiple devices together from anywhere. You need to create a blast that helps to upload a song from PC or search a song online. After this, a unique link is generated that you can share with friends to join the session. It keeps devices in sync so that all the devices will be able to play music from the same point. It’s really a nice service to share and play the same song with friends and you can even change song anytime. It works with iPhone, iPad, Android (requires Chrome browser), and Google Chrome on PC.

In screenshot below, you can see Blast URL created by me and number of devices connected with that blast. In the similar way, you can create your own blast, and share with friends.

SpeakerBlast- play same music on multiple devices in syncing

A non-crowded 5 MB high-speed Internet connection is required on all devices to make it work properly. However, you could face ‘out of syncing’ problem from Chrome to other devices, as it happened with me during testing. I hope this problem will be fixed in future.

We have also covered some other online free services to play music online: Riptune, SongDrop, and MusicNectar.

Key Features Present In SpeakerBlast:

  • A completely free service that helps to play and listen to music on multiple devices in syncing. No matter how far you are from your friends, you all will be able to play same song in sync. A high-speed Internet connect and Blast URL is needed.
  • You can even change the song. Only the person who created the Blast will be able to pause/play/stop and change song.
  • Works with many popular devices. iPhone & iPad (version 6 or higher) in Safari browser, Android (4.1 or higher) in Chrome browser, laptops and Desktops in Google Chrome. And as mentioned in website, it will be available on Windows Phone and Internet Explorer from next year.
  • No email id or sign up process is needed.

How To Create a Blast With SpeakerBlast and Play Song On Multiple Devices in Sync?

Access the homepage of SpeakerBlast and click on Create a Blast button. You can find its homepage link at the end of this review. After this, you can either upload a song from your PC or can search it online. Uploading speed depends on your Internet connection.

create a blast

If you want to search for a song online, then simply enter text at the required field, and it will show you recommended tracks. Some more results will also be provided to you by EX.FM. Click on any song for creating a blast. Immediately after this, your Blast URL will be in front of you.

select a song to generate blast url

Share this URL with friends. Once they will join your Blast room/session, music will be played in syncing. Only you (as an admin) will be able to pause, play, stop, and change the song, whenever needed.

enjoy the music in sync


SpeakerBlast is really a good service where you will get the chance to play music/audio/song in sync with multiple devices. It’s a unique service of its own kind, currently in Beta phase, but works quite fine. But as mentioned earlier, improvement is needed for proper syncing while creating blast with Google Chrome to other devices.

Use SpeakerBlast free.

Check these 6 free online music storage websites to store music in cloud.

Free/Paid: Free

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Laxman Singh2014-02-04

Hello Ryan,
thanks for your appreciation 😃
During my testing, I used our workplace WiFi Internet connection (8.58 Mbps speed). I tried it with multiple audio files (mp3 and wav) one by one. Only some cases were there when I found out of sync problem.


Hi Laxman

Thanks again for the nice write up & how to guide 😃

We wanted to note that if your using a fast and non-crowded Internet connection (5Mbps being the minimum speed) then SpeakerBlast should play in sync.

For best results we suggest using one of the recommended tracks like Beethoven’s 5th symphony during your first two tests. Our recommended tracks are audio files that we have optimized to create the best experience.

Also, we have found our tech as it stands now to work best in iOS, Apple laptopsdesktops in Chrome and Chrome for Android in newer Android devices. We are constantly working to improve our technology and our goal is to have it working 100% perfectly in the many different PC laptopsdesktops out there!


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