Website to Learn Different Skills with Quizzes, Role Play: Kibbit

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Kibbit is a free website to learn skills with quizzes and role play. The role play here means that you can connect with other users of the website. You will be provided with a hypothetical real life like situation in which you have to use the things you have learned depending on your skills. It is a cam based role playing so that you can really relate to each other. You are then awarded points depending on your performance.

Apart from the role plays, you can go for quizzes, read lessons, follow other users, track your progress, ratings, badges and many other things. The website includes various things which will make learning a better and interesting process for you.

Choose Skill to Learn

Note: The website is in Beta phase and has 296 spots left for registrations before the beta sign-ups get closed.

Using this Website to Learn Skills:

Open the Kibbit website and get yourself registered for an account. On successful registration, you will see the homescreen with options to choose the skill you want to learn: Case Interview, Elevator Pitch, Job Interview, and Negotiations. Each of the skill also has a brief description to help you get an idea that what you will learn under that particular skill.

Choose the one you are interested in. I opted for Negotiations for my testing purpose. You will see the interface of course as shown in the screenshot below with the option to start the course and FAQs.

Selected Skills

On starting the course, you will see the concept on the screen with its name and complete description. You can click on the arrows around the course thumbnail image to switch between courses.

Reading Lessons

On scrolling through the page, you will find the option to take the Mini Quiz as well as Additional Links. The additional links refer to some additional sources which you may refer for extra knowledge. While the Mini Quiz takes you to the quiz page.

Here, you have to answer 5 questions to complete the quiz. If you fail to answer any question, then you can look for the correct answer and also the explanation behind the answer. You can also restart the quiz any time. On correct answers, you are rewarded with points and badges.

Mini Quiz

Learning Skills via Role Play:

For learning and practicing skills via role play, you need to go to your dashboard Scenarios under Live Practice option. Here, you will get the different real life scenarios for choosing the situation you want to role play

Choose Scenario

Next, you will see the list of currently online users of the website. Choose the one with whom you wanna do the role play and send them an invite.

Choose User to Role Play

When the other user accepts the invite, you will see the interface shown below. Here, you will see the options depending upon the scenario selected by you.

Role Play Session

On completing the role play scenario, you are awarded with points depending on your performance.

Earn Points

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Final Verdict:

Kibbit is a good website to learn and  practice skills easily via different quizzes and real life scenarios. I really loved the idea of role playing. Do give it a try before the beta registration spots get filled.

Try Kibbit here.

Free/Paid: Free

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