How To Disable Write Caching For Disk Drives In Windows 10?

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This tutorial explains how to disable write caching for disk drives in Windows 10. Being the intricate pieces of software that they are, modern Operating Systems have to handle a lot of stuff, whether it’s device management, resource allocation or anything else. And all of this happens under the hood when you’re using your computer to watch a movie, or finish your project. The same is true for Windows 10, which includes an almost infinite number of features, that work together and make it the awesomeness that it is.

One such feature is the built in Write Caching for connected disk drives (or partitions). It helps improve the overall system performance and speed by writing the changes to the disk initially to a faster cache, so that the system doesn’t have to wait (even though the wait time is in milliseconds, that’s a hell of a lot of time in computer terms) for the write head to position itself at the correct position to do its thing. While it does enhance performance, it can also lead to data corruption and/or loss, in case of a power failure (as cache is volatile memory). And that’s not a good thing, right?

Thankfully, Windows 10 provides a solution for this, that lets you turn off write caching for the disk drives. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Let’s find out how you can disable write caching for disk drives in Windows 10.

disable write caching of disk drives

 How To Disable Write Caching For Disk Drives In Windows 10?

The following stepwise tutorial illustrates how you can turn off write caching for disk partitions (and consequently, the entire drive) in Windows 10. Read on folks:

Step 1: Open up This PC and right click on any of the listed disk drives. Click on Properties to access the disk properties dialog box, and click on the Hardware tab, and then the Properties button.

windows 10 access disk properties

Step 2: This should lead to another tabbed dialog box popping up. On the General tab, click the Change settings button (this requires administrator privileges).

windows 10 disk properties

Step 3: On the dialog box that opens up next, click on the Policies tab, and under the Write-caching policy section, uncheck the Enable write caching on the device option. Check out the screenshot below:

windows 10 disable write caching

And we’re all set. This will disable write caching on all the disk drives, and hence, the entire drive. Pretty awesome, right?

See Also: Choose The Disk Drives For Automatic Optimization In Windows 10

Concluding Thoughts

Write caching is an important OS functionality that significantly ups overall system performance. However, since it depends on the volatile cache, it can also lead to data loss in the event of a power or disk failure. Good thing is that you can easily turn it off as explained above. Try it out and let me know what you think of it.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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Not Disclosed2017-04-05

The IT world already sorted this out almost 20 years ago. I’ll go ahead and assume that you are either a ‘behind the times beginner’ or in a ‘low-watt’ attempt to inflate your intellectual prowess you are “harvesting” procedures that originally pertained to Windows 98 SE drivers (or earlier). Attempting to come off as some brilliant, well read, computer engineer by recycling decades old info as some incredible performance boosting breakthrough for Windows 10. I wouldn’t even call that “picking the low hanging fruit”! You couldn’t even come up with a valid reason for disabling the volatile write buffer, choosing the lame possibility of a power failure, because not many people can afford a 30$ UPS to go with their $1000+ computer systems. They’d rather save that cash and take the hit of degrading performance enhancements.

“This will disable write caching on all the disk drives, and hence, the entire drive. Pretty awesome, right?”
^^^^^^In you’re rush to publish this info before it hit the 2 decade-mark you made an incredibly confusing statement that will leave those who are actually trying to learn something in a stupefied quandary. I can’t believe I have to make this correction: No, checking that box will not disable caching on all the disk drives. Just that one drive’s cache will be disabled and of course it may have one or more partitions.
At any rate, there may be legitimate reasons to disable a hard drives cache in this manner, but the risk of power failure is a dumb reason. In almost all cases doing this will cause performance levels to drop in a cascading fashion.
And stop taking old information and trying to make it seem like you are somewhere on the bleeding edge of Windows 10 technology. Its embarrassing and offensive.

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