Free Home Buying Advice And Information: SmartAsset

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SmartAsset is a free online personal finance advisor which specializes in giving advice and various different useful information to people who are interested in buying a home. Using this free home buying advisor is very easy, you provide a little bit of information about yourself like how much your yearly income is, if you have any savings, and of course what you’re interested in, and SmartAsset will inform you with best options for your situation.

SmartAsset default window

Similar software: Thrive, Grisbi, LegerSMB.

SmartAsset is a web based service, you access it using the web browser and if you’re not interested, you don’t even have to register. Advice about buying homes can be found by following wizards, where you give information about yourself and then at the end you’re presented with advice and options which are best for you, depending on your situation. For the time being there’s three different home buying advice sections available on SmartAsset, with a fourth one in the making. Screenshot above shows us the first step of the Introduction to home buying wizard where basic information and advice can be found. Key features of SmartAsset – free online home buying financial advisor are:

  • Free and simple to use – quick wizard setup of important info
  • Performs calculations based on your income, savings, debt
  • Gives advice on how expensive home you can buy, how to pay for it
  • Renting information is also available
  • Mortgage Explorer – see how different factors will affect mortgage
  • Find information about taxes, credit scores and home financing
  • Web based – can be accessed from any system, Internet connection

Buying homes isn’t easy in these times that we’re in. Those who managed to make a little bit of money and are interested in buying or renting a new home. All the financing options that are available, how much deposit should there be, should you take out a mortgage on your second property, how much taxes will there be, all that can be a bit overwhelming. Here’s how SmartAsset can help you out.

How to find out home buying, financing advice with SmartAsset

SmartAsset home buying advice

After you go through the setup, which can be seen on the first image, you’re gonna be presented with information that can be seen on the image above. SmartAsset will advise you on the price of the home that you can buy, based on your income, and offers you a detailed repayment plan information.

SmartAsset mortgage calculator

Mortgage calculator can be accessed by clicking on the Mortage Calculator option from the main menu. Other two advice wizards, finding the right home and home financing are there. Move the diagram sliders to see how payments on your mortgage are gonna look like in the future. Fill out the initial values at the top.


Young people who are interested in buying a home should definitely have a look at SmartAsset. A lot of useful information can be found, and not just that, but you can perform calculations and see just how expensive of a house you can afford. Setup is very easy, you don’t even have to register, simply visit the website and find out the best way to buy a home. Free service.

Works With: Linux, Windows, Mac
Free/Paid: Free

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