Sort Contacts with Recently Added Contacts for Android

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Recently Added Contacts for Android is a free Android app that shows Android contacts in reverse chronological order. As soon as you open the app, it will show all the contacts, but will order them in the descending order of their added date. So, the contacts that you added recently will come at the top, while the ones that you added earlier would come at the bottom.

This is all that this app does. And it does this very well. No setting required, no login etc. Just run the app and see the list of contacts in the order in which they were added.

Recently Added Contacts

If that’s what you are looking for, feel free to go to the end of this article to grab the download link of the app and put it on your phone.

And if you want to know why I came across this app, then keep reading.

I am bad with names. Quite bad actually. May be terrible. I forget the name of the person I just met. And this lands me in problems, more often than I would like.

Recently I met someone important and I added his name to my contacts. And next day I had to call up that person. But guess what – I forgot his name. I tried going through my list of contacts (a few hundred are in that), but there was no way I was gonna recognize the name. And I definitely had to call up that person.

Only information I had was that I added it to my Contacts list yesterday.

Knowing how cool and awesome Android developers are, who have made some pretty interesting and crazy apps out there, I started searching for some app that would show Android contacts by date.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any. Yep, I didn’t find any Android app that shows contacts added on a specific date, or show date on which a contact was added.

But thankfully, I was able to find this Recently Added Contacts for Android. Once you install this app, only thing you have to do is launch it. It will show all the contacts that are in your Android, but will order them in the reverse order of their date of addition. So, the ones you added recently would come at the top.

So, in my case, the contact that I had added was right there at the top. If you click on name of the contact, then it will show Contact card for that.

Recent Contacts

The best part of this app is that it works for those contacts as well that were already added in your Android, before you installed this app.

And there it is. This app has nothing else going for it. But for people who’ll need the functionality it offers, installing this app is inevitable

If you have a similar need, then this app is probably the only solution out there. If you know something more powerful (the one that can show contacts with date of addition, etc.), then do let me know in comments below.

Get this app from Play Store here.

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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