5 Free Periodic Table Apps for Android

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This post covers 5 free periodic table apps for Android. These apps are primarily meant to lookup an element along with all the other details about it. In these apps, you will find the modern periodic table with all the elements and their properties. You can use these to learn about the physical and chemical properties of different elements and then you can use other features as well. These apps are very good options for high school students. Also, these can be helpful in case, you don’t have your Chemistry book or a table map with you.

Apart from Android apps, there are some free online periodic table websites as well. You can try them as well if you often spend more time on your notebook or PC. But in this post, I will list some awesome Periodic tables apps for your Android smartphone. You can use these apps without being bothered by the ads. In all of them you don’t even have to create an account to use them.

free Periodic Apps for Android

5 Free Periodic Apps for Android:

Periodic Table 2018

Periodic Table 2018 in action

Periodic Table 2018 is one of the best free Periodic Table app that you can use on your phone. Here it lets you explore the whole periodic table in a very detailed manner. It shows the modern periodic table and you can tap on any element to see more details about it. It shows a lot of details about an element like its picture, Latin name, discovery, electron shell, isotopes, properties, density, melting point, oxidation states, ion charge, covalent radius, electronegativity, resistivity, emission spectrum, and a lot of other parameters. You can see all these details for any element of the table.

The app provides a very intuitive interface to visualize the periodic table. Just get this app and then start using it. There are no ads so you can use the app for as long as you want without any disturbance. Just get it from Play Store and then open it. After that, from the periodic table, tap on any element and it will open the details for you. You can browser through the details and learn the basic information about any element.

Periodic Table by Royal Society of Chemistry

Periodic Table by Royal Society of Chemistry

Periodic Table by Royal Society of Chemistry is again a very powerful app. Here it offers you a complete periodic table and all the necessary information about an element for the readers. This app works in landscape mode and just like the above app, you can tap on any element to open its details page. Apart from the details, it also shows the picture of the element where it is used generally, like for Gold, it shows gold coins.

On the details page, it shows a lot of parameters of the element. You can see its history, chemical properties, melting point, boiling point, density, relative atomic mass, and some others. You can analyze all these details for any element and then do whatever you want.

Just install this app and then open it. It opens in landscape mode and you will see the periodic table in front of you. You can tap on any element and then it will show you its most common image. After that, you can tap on the external link option to open its corresponding details page. You will find all the chemical and physical properties which you can analyze.

Periodic Table by ChemNinja

Periodic Table by ChemNinja

Periodic Table by ChemNinja is quite a different app than any other app in this list. It is written using Unity game engine, thus while using it, you will feel like you are playing a game. It shows an interactive periodic table. You can see more details about an element and it shows the orbit diagram of any element in animated manner. And of course, you will see the list of chemical and physical properties of an element and analyze them.

Just like all the apps in this list, you can see properties like weight, boiling point, thermal conductivity, atomic radius, electron affinity, molar volume, percent in universe, percent in oceans, percent in earth crust, absolute boiling point, specific heat, adiabatic index, neel point, density liquid, and a lot others.

You can use install this app using the above link. After installing it, just launch and it will open like a game. After that, you will see the periodic table. Just tap on any element on the table and then again tap on its icon to see more details about it. Additionally, you can also opt to open its Wikipedia page.

Element Bank : Periodic Table

The element bank free periodic table app

Element Bank : Periodic Table is yet another free Android app to see, learn periodic table. Just like all the other apps, you can find the modern periodic table in it and then you can see the details about each element. You can see the chemical and physical properties of any element that you want.

The app is simple and lets you see the details like melting point, electronegativity, state, radioactivity, atomic weight, density, valency, link to Wikipedia, and some more. The app works in landscape mode and you can see the actual picture of the element as well.

Just get this app from Play Store using the above link and then install it. After that, you can just start using to explore any elements of the periodic table. Select any element from the periodic table that it shows and then you can see corresponding details about it. You can see the above screenshot of the app.

Periodic Table by Frozen Developers

Periodic Table by Frozen Developers

Periodic Table by Frozen Developers is the last free Android app that you can use for looking up information about any element of periodic table. It is a simple app that lets you see the list of periodic table elements with their chemical and physical properties. It offers you a simple interface where you can select an element from the table view and then see the corresponding information. There are two views to see the periodic table. You can either use the actual modern periodic table to see more about an element. Or, there is a list of elements sorted by their atomic number to do the same.

Just get this app and then start using it. On the main interface, there are options to see the list of elements or the table. You can select any option that you like and then simply select an element. It will show you more details about that elements for you to analyze. In the details, it shows symbol, category, electronic configuration, electrons per shell, phase, melting point, boiling point, critical point, electronegativity, oxidation states, atomic radius, magnetic ordering, and a lot others. Additionally, there is link to Wikipedia for each element on the top right side.

Final words

These are the best free periodic table apps that you can use. Use these apps to study periodic table. With these apps, you can take the periodic table with you wherever you go. You will find all the properties of all the elements in these apps and learn them. Personally, I will recommend you to use Periodic Table by ChemNinjaPeriodic Table 2018, and Element Bank. And if you need some simple apps for the same then you can use Periodic Table by Frozen Developers.

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