How to Receive an Email Daily with Wikipedia Word of the Day

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This tutorial explains how to receive an email daily with Wikipedia Word of the Day.

I have used a very simple yet powerful IFTTT recipe to perform this task. Using that recipe, you can connect your Gmail with IFTTT and add up to 5 different email addresses. After this, it will automatically send an email to all those email addresses whenever a new word is added in Wiktionary. Along with Wikipedia Word of the Day, it also attaches an HTML file with the email, which helps to open the source location of the word.

By default, recipe helps to receive the Word of the Day in English only, but you can also change the language while filling the details in the fields of the recipe. After this, the recipe will trigger daily to send you Word of the Day to your Inbox.

Recipe to automatically receive an email daily with Wikipedia Word of the Day

The screenshot above shows the recipe added by me to receive the Wikipedia Word of the Day to my Gmail Inbox.

Here are some other interesting recipes covered by us: download Nat Geo Photo of the Day to Dropbox and automatically post new Instagram photos to your Pinterest board.

How to Receive an Email Daily with Wikipedia Word of the Day?

These are steps that will help you to receive an email daily in your Gmail with Wiktionary’s Word of the Day:

Step 1: First of all, you need a recipe available in the database of IFTTT that can help to perform this task. To ease your work, you can access this link to use the recipe that I have used.

recipe homepage

Step 2: After accessing the homepage of this recipe, the very first thing you should do is connect your Gmail account with IFTTT. Simply login to your Gmail account and authorize IFTTT to access your Gmail account. IFTTT will use that connected account to send you the email.

connect your Gmail with IFTTT

Step 3: Now you need to fill some fields of the recipe. You don’t need to change the default values in all the fields, but yes, you should fill ‘Language‘ and ‘Send an email‘ fields.

set the language and enter email addresses

You can set language code (en for English) and enter up to 5 different email addresses (including yours) to receive the word of the day.

Step 4: After filling the details, Add recipe to your My Recipes menu. The next day, when Wiktionary adds a word to its database, the recipe will trigger automatically. You will receive the email to get Word of the Day. Along with the word, it also provides HTML file which you can download or open the file to jump to the source location of the word.

Wiktionary word of the Day in Gmail Inbox

Those who have the urge to improve their vocabulary can use this recipe to learn new words daily. You have to connect the recipe only once and it will serve you daily to get Wikipedia Word of the Day in your Gmail Inbox.

Free/Paid: Free

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