5 Free Online List Randomizer Websites

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Here is a list of 5 free online list randomizer websites. You can go to any of these websites and enter the original list to randomize it. You can use these websites to randomize the list any number of times you want. When the list is randomized, you can easily save the list and use it.

So let’s get started with these.

1. Psychic Science:

Psychic Science

Psychic Science is the most feature rich online list randomizer website in this list. It provides you with different customization options for both input as well as output list. You have to select the option whether your list is comma separated or line separated. After this, input the original list in the text field. As for the output list, you can choose from numbered list, line separation, comma separation, etc. When you’ve done all this, click on Randomize button to get the randomized list. The website supports randomizing of list of having up to 10,000 items.

2. Random.org:


The second online list randomizer website in the list is Random.org. This website is the simplest to use with a text box and a button to start the randomizing process. You have to enter the list in the text box and hit the button. It will show you the randomized list immediately. There are also some advance options, which you can choose to use.

3. Endmemo:


Endmemo is the third list randomizer in this review. The website provides you with text boxes and options to randomize and clear all. The box on the left side is for inputting the original list while the right hand box shows the randomized list. You can use the/ Generate button any number of times to generate a new randomized list. If you want to clear all the list items entered by you, then you simply need to hit the Clear All button.

4. RandomizeList:


Next website for you to randomize any list is RandomizeList. This website doesn’t provide you with any extra options. There is only a text box for entering the list items which you want to randomize and then button labeled as Submit. Clicking on the button will randomize the list for you immediately. The output list is shown below the Submit button.

5. MiniWebTool:


MiniWebTool is the final website in the list for getting the randomized list. This website is also a simple with only a single text box where you have to input the original list. When you have entered the list, click on Randomize List button. It will show you the list completely in random order.

These are the 5 free online list randomizer websites for you. Check them out to generate random lists with nothing extra to download and install.

You may also like: 5 Free Software to Generate Random Numbers.

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