Free Physician Compare Online Tool

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Physician Compare is a free online tool to compare physicians. This easy to use tool is available on U.S government official Medicare website. This online tool includes a physician directory which helps you to search physicians and provides their complete information.

This online physician comparing service provides accurate information of physician on clinical training, foreign languages spoken, medical specialty etc. And this tool is capable enough to help you in knowing whether your physicians accept  Medicare approved  amount and whether they accept it as full payment.

Moreover, it also helps you to find information on other health professionals like nurses, Physical Therapist, Nutrition services, physical assistance, etc.

Physician directory contains correct and relevant information about the physicians like their name, addresses, phone numbers, and specialties. This directory also contains additional information like medical school, year graduated, gender, foreign language(s), and hospital affiliations.

Physicians may be listed under their name as accepting assignment, and may also belong to a clinic or group that does not accept assignment. So if the physicians sees you at the clinic or group which is not participating, in that case you may be charged more.

Also check out Hospital compare, and medicare compare.

How to Compare Physicians:

  • Go on to homepage of “Physician compare”.
  • In the box opposite to physician you need to select the specialty of physician by clicking on small arrow at the right side.
  • And for selecting other healthcare professional you need to click on the small arrow at the right side of box.
  • Then for searching physicians or other healthcare professional, either enter Zip code,city or state in the location box, and click on “Search Providers” button.

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  • In this above shown optional search criteria you can search for physicians who accept the Medicare approved amount as full payment or select “No preference” for all types of physicians. And you can even search for physicians gender wise.
  • Now you will come across a list showing the relevant information about each physician and in this window you can also see additional information about each physician.

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  • You can even select the distance within which you want to find physicians, as given below.

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Physician Compare is a free and easy to use online tool which helps you to find the best physician in your locality.

Free/Paid: Free

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