Free Website to See Potential Genetic Diseases based on Ancestry DNA Report

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GeneCodex is a fascinating and innovative genetic data explorer that provides you with extremely valuable insights about the genetic variants associated with susceptible health conditions, personality, appearance traits and much more. GeneCodex leverages the extensive SNPedia database and processes your genetic data locally in your browser to provide a lot of precious information about your unique DNA.

SNPedia is a wiki resource that is freely available for personal use since 2006 and lists the functional consequences of genetic variation published extensively in peer-reviewed studies. It focuses especially on the medical, phenotypic, and genealogical associations of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)

Key Features:

Informative and Educational: You can gain important information about your susceptibility to various health conditions so that you can make informed choices about your lifestyle. In addition to this, GeneCodex uncovers the concealed factors that influence your appearance that offers you a wealth of knowledge for personal care and attention. You can discover how your personality traits are influenced by your genes making you better understand yourself and improve interpersonal relationships, unravel your hidden potential talents and ancestry traits.

Privacy and Security: GeneCodex processes your genetic data in the form of DNA files locally without sending them outside of your computer thus maintaining the security of your data.

Easy to Use: GeneCodex offers a minimalist interface that requires you to simply upload the raw data provided by the top genetic testing services to generate the results.

Data used by GeneCodex:

When you take a DNA test that is offered by AncestryDNA, 23andMe or FamilyTreeDNA, your Genome is sequenced but the information that is revealed to you by them is just a small portion of what is sequenced. Nevertheless, you are allowed to download your genetic information collected by the service provider in the form of a plain text file (.txt). This file contains a long lost of raw letters and numbers that may appear senseless to humans, but which represent the SNPs that have been detected in your genome. It is this file that you must upload to GeneCodex to process and interpret your genetic information.

For instructions on how to download the raw data from the various DNA testing services, click on the appropriate link below:




How it Works:

1. Click on this link to navigate to GeneCodex. You are not required to sign up or register for an account to use this product.

2. Drag and drop the raw data (text file) from AncestryDNA, 23andMe or FamilyTreeDNA and click on ‘Continue’.

Upload raw data

3. Wait for some time while GeneCodex processes the data and provides the report on the screen.

GeneCodex Report

4. You can click on any of the Filters in the left panel to navigate directly to a specific section such as Appearance, Health, Mental, Personality and more. You can also use the Sort options in the panel to sort the report alphabetically or based on the risks that have been detected.

GeneCodex Report

Closing Comments:

GeneCodex helps you to discover your genetic variants associated with several crucial parameters such as health, personality, appearance, mental condition and more. It provides you with a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself than you could’ve even imagined. All that is required is the raw data that can be downloaded from DNA testing services.

Go ahead and get a wealth of valuable information about your DNA and surprise yourself. Click here to navigate to GeneCodex. To access the source code of GeneCodex on GitHub, click here.

Free/Paid: Free

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