Get Answer for any Question from Religious Perspective on this AI Based Website

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Robot Spirit Guide is a free website where you can ask any questions based on spirituality, piety, religion, religious beliefs and more and receive AI based answers quickly. The website uses GPT-3 to generate the answers based on the faith related text prompts that you type.

Robot Spirit Guide is helpful for people who are trying to explore various faiths, their practices, beliefs etc. It is also handy for those persons who are simply curious about different faiths in the world. At the time of writing, Robot Spirit Guide covers Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Atheism.

How it Works:

1. Click on the link provided at the end of this article to navigate to Robot Spirit Guide.

2. A random question and the related answer will be shown on the web page. Scroll down and click on the button ‘Ask another question’, type / paste the question with a clear description, select the faith that you wish to consult and click on the ‘Consult’ button.

Ask new question

3. Wait for some time while the AI of Robot Spirit Guide uses GPT 3 and gets the answer for you.

Robot Spirit Guide Answer

Robot Spirit Guide Answer

4. The answer will be displayed on the screen. You can click the button ‘Share this answer’ to share your findings on social media platforms or simply copy the web link and share it with others.

Share answer

5. To ask another question, click on the button ‘Ask another question’ and repeat the entire process as stated above.

6. A series of popularly asked questions are available at the top of the screen. You can click on them to get the answer.

Popular questions

Closing Comments:

Robot Spirit Guide is a decent tool for people who are inquisitive about other faiths or wish to explore them. Unfortunately, a few widely-held and popular faiths have been omitted from the list. The developers would do better to include them in their database.

You must remember that answers to all the questions have been generated by AI and may not be necessarily correct or complete. Hence, people desirous of truly exploring new faiths should also consult other authentic resources before taking any decision that may change their life.

Click here to navigate to Robot Spirit Guide.

Free/Paid: Free

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