6 Websites to Read Chuck Norris Facts

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Earlier we were talking about Chuck Norris Facts Generator, during that process I found a lot of websites which plainly carry “facts” about Chuck Norris which are pretty hilarious to read. We all know about this Chuck Norris Phenomena which has become so huge in no time because of its fan following and we all love to read the hilarious facts associated with it. I found almost all of them very funny and found myself even sharing them with my friends. So I thought let’s compile a list of websites which offer Chuck Norris Facts, so that anyone can just go and read about them easily.

So let’s start and see how many websites we come up with.



The very first website is entirely dedicated to Chuck Norris. You can read all Chuck Norris facts here. You can even get your favorite fact printed on a Tshirt and get it shipped to you, if you live in USA or Europe. This is the official Chuck Norris facts website, where there is a section dedicated to favorite facts of the man himself. Yes, this section has favorite facts that were hand picked by Chuck Norris himself. Other then reading, you can also rate every fact on a scale of poor to awesome. At the end of every fact, there are footprints that can be used to rate the fact that you just read. You can also submit a new fact to the website. For this, though, you will be required to register and create an account with the website.



This website is referring to Chuck Norris facts as jokes; hope Chuck Norris is not reading otherwise he’ll roundhouse kick this website. These are indeed facts about a man who can do anything. Jokes apart, the website has a good compilation of Chuck Norris Facts, and they can be browsed by newest, top 100, etc. categories. You can also submit your email address to receive the facts through email. Apart from this, you can rate the facts on a scale of 1 to 5, depending upon your liking. You can also submit your own Chuck Norris facts to the website.


jokes4us chuck norris

The website has lots of jokes on a lot of topics, including Chuck Norris. The Chuck Norris jokes page has a long list of jokes, which you can scroll through and read. That is pretty much all that you can do with the website.


uselessfacts chuck norris

The website has a section on Chuck Norris facts. You can scroll through the page and read all the facts. I liked the layout of the facts, they all have a different background color and the font is on the bigger side to make reading easy for you. The screenshot of this layout is shown above. You can also use the submit fact tab to submit your own fact to the website.


unijokes chuck norris

Another jokes website which has an entire section of Chuck Norris jokes. The jokes are neatly laid out on the page, as can be seen on the screenshot above. Each joke has a vote option under it, where if you like the joke you can click on the plus sign and if you don’t then click on the minus sign. You can also email the joke to your friends by clicking the email icon or press the Facebook button for liking and sharing it with your friends on Facebook.



This website brings you a huge collection of Chuck Norris facts. You can browse categories like new, popular, random. The facts are laid out in a table format and under each fact is an option to vote them. You will see two hearts under each fact, one with a plus sign and one with minus sign. If you like the fact then click on the heart with plus sign otherwise click on the one with minus on it. You also get an option to submit your own Chuck Norris facts on the website.

You can also check out free meme generator websites to create some cool Chuck Norris memes.

We have listed 6 websites here for reading funny Chuck Norris facts. There were a lot more of them, but most of the facts were covered by these websites. Other just sounded repetitive after going through these 6. It was a lot of fun reading these facts, which I remind you, are true as Chuck Norris fans would like to believe. So for your dose of laughter just go through these websites.

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