Create Add to Calendar Link for Outlook with these 5 free Websites

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If you are a business executive or an event organizer, you often need to create a lot of events daily. But one of the challenges is that how you can easily send that event to your team or your newsletter subscribers. To generate an accurate event link that people can add to their calendars is a bit tricky. But you can always use add to calendar link generators tools out there and I will talk about 5 of them in this post below. They are free and come with support for Outlook and other calendars.

Even though one can manually generate Outlook event links, but there are chances that you will misspell or miss some of the important fields. To solve this problem, you can use one of the tools below. They all offer you a web form like interface where you can enter all the information about an event and will generate the event link for you that you can share with anyone over email or online chat.

Create Add to Calendar Link for Outlook with these 5 free Websites

The 5 best Free Add to Calendar Link Generator for Outlook:

  • Labnol: Outlook event link generator with support for Google and Yahoo calendars.
  • Add Outlook Event Webapp: Dedicated Outlook event link generator.
  • Parcel: A multi calendar event link generator.
  • ADDCAL: An add to calendar link generator with QR code support.
  • Google Sheets: Use Google Sheet functions to create add to calendar links.

1. Outlook Event Link generator with Google & Yahoo Support

Labnol Add to Calendar Link Generator for Outlook


Labnol is basically a tech blog that publishes articles related to Google Workspaces. But they have an online add to calendar link generator for Outlook. And not just Outlook but as mentioned above, it can generate add to calendar link for Google, Yahoo, and Office 365 calendars.

For generating an add to calendar link, here you just need to enter the details of the event. You just enter details such as title, location, time, start date, end date, etc. After that, it will instantly generate the event links for all the calendar that it supports.

There is no sign up or registration required to use the calendar event link generator of Labnol. The link is above, just followed it to land on the tool. After generating an event link, you just copy it and send it to anybody. As I already mentioned that it generates event link for other calendars too, but since here we are only focusing on Outlook, so you can skip them for now.

2. Free Dedicated Outlook Event Link Generator

Add Outlook Event Webapp

Add Outlook Event Webapp

This web app is basically a very simple dedicated Outlook event link generator. You can use it to quickly generate add to calendar link for Outlook only after specifying the main details of the event. It is very straightforward and when you click on the link that it generates, it will automatically fill all the required fields automatically.

The generator part of this simple app is very easy to understand. Here it only asks you to specify details of the event such as its title, start date, end date, body, all day flag, and a list of attendees (optional). As soon as you specify the details, it will instantly generate long Outlook link. You can short it with link shorteners out there and share it.

For quick access, you can bookmark this simple web app and use it anytime. You can use it to generate unlimited Outlook add to calendar links on the fly and free.

3. A Free Multi Calendar Event Link Generator

Parcel Add to Calendar Link Generator for Outlook


Just the Labnol website above, Parcel offers a free Outlook event link generator for calendars and for multiple ones. Apart from Outlook, it supports Google, Yahoo, and Office365. This website has a very simple interface and apart from generating a link for calendar events, it can also help you export an ICS file for that. Using that ICS file, you can add or configure the same event in your iPhone using iCalendar app.

Interestingly, here this website also doesn’t ask you to sign up first. You just go ahead, follow the link to the homepage above and then proceed to generate Outlook calendar event link. Start by specifying the details of the event such as title, start date, end date, time, description, time zone, and location.

As soon as you finish specifying all the details that it asks, it will generate the calendar link for you automatically. Additionally, there is an option to download the ICS file for the Outlook event that you just created.

4. An add to Calendar Link Generator with QR Code Support

AddCAL Add to Calendar Link Generator for Outlook


This is another handy website that allows you to quickly create add to calendar link for Outlook and other calendars. What sets this service apart from the others that I have mentioned here already is that here it can generate QR codes for events. So, if you are creating flyers for your event then you can use those QR codes on it.

This is a very good service to generate calendar event links. It supports both new and older versions of MS Outlook. But apart from that, it can generate the calendar event link for Google Calendar, Apple iCalendar, Yahoo Calendar, and Office365. You can use it in the same way as the websites above and plus you get a free QR code as well.

You can use this website for free and you just start by specifying the data. Apart from the generic information about the events, here it also lets you specify a URL for the event. If you are organizing an online webinar then this is a good option.

5. Use Google Sheet Functions to Create add to Calendar Links

Google Sheets

Apart from all these hosted online tools, you can also make use of Google Sheets for generating add to calendar links for Outlook and Google Calendar for free. I actually created simple Google Sheet where you can just enter the required data for an event and it will generate the calendar event link for you. You can just copy the generated link and then send it or share it with anyone you want.

Using this Google Sheet is actually very simple. First, you access it from the above link. After that, you just go to File > Make a Copy.

Make a Copy Google Sheet

Now, when you have the editable sheet, you can simply start adding details of the event. In the different columns, you just specify title, description, start date & time, and end date & time.

Google Sheet Fill out Event Details

As soon as you finish, the event link will be generated in the last two columns. Here you will get link for both; Outlook and Google Calendar. But since, here we are talking about Outlook so, you just copy the Outlook link and then do whatever you want.

Google Sheet Generating Add to Calendar Links

In this way, you can keep using this simple Google Sheet to generate calendar links for Outlook. This is your personal Outlook calendar links generator for that you can keep with you as long as you want.

Final thoughts:

Generating and creating calendar events is a usual routine for business people. And if you are one of those people then you can just use any of the tool I have mentioned here. There are not so many good tools out there which will let you generate calendar links for Outlook. But I have managed to find 5 such tool that you can use. Good thing is that they support other popular calendars too. Also, a couple of them come with extra features that you might like such as QR code and ICS file export.


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