4 Free XML Sitemap Extractor Websites to Extract URLs from any Sitemap

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Generally, all websites that follow standard conventions, list their internal and important pages (URLs) in a file often named sitemap.xml. This ensures that search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. can find and crawl all of them thereby quickly navigating pages on the website. It helps the search engines to understand the structure of your web site and speed up the discovery of content.

Several applications, scripts and free websites are available to extract the URLs from the sitemap.xml files. These tools are called Sitemap Scrapers or Extractors. They typically parse out the URLs from the XML file and present the list to you that you can copy and paste where required.

In this article, I will be listing and discussing 4 Free XML Sitemap Extractors that you can easily use to get the URLs from any sitemap.xml file

1. SERPShaker Sitemap Scraper

This looks like a very simple and primitive tool as far as the frontend visual is concerned. But it turns out that it is one of the best and fastest Online Sitemap Extractors available on the Web.

It is free to use with no limitations whatsoever and works very well. You need to simply provide the URL to your Sitemap XML and click on ‘Submit’. The process of extraction should take a couple of seconds at the end of which all the extracted URLs will be displayed on the page. You can then copy and paste them in any document that you wish.

Click here to navigate to SERPShaker to extract the URLs


2. XML Sitemap Extractor – By Rob Hammond

This is one of the best Sitemap Scrapers available on the Internet. It has been developed by Rob Hammond and offered as a Free Web Application.

Like earlier, all that you require to do is provide the correct URL of your Sitemap XML and click on ‘Run Report’. After processing, you will quickly get all the extracted URLs on the webpage as well as their total count.

There are no limitations or restrictions to the usage of this tool. You may use it as many times as you like.

To visit this website, click here

Rob Hammond

Rob Hammond

3. SEOWL XML Sitemap Extractor

This is yet another simple and good tool to extract URLs from a Sitemap XML file with an export feature.

As in the previous cases, simply type the correct URL to your XML file and click on ‘Load Sitemap’. The scraped URLs will be displayed swiftly in the ‘Results’ box. You can then click on ‘Export’ at the top right and save the URLs in CSV file format.

SEOWL has an edge over the previous Sitemap Extractors as you can export the data to CSV format. Other than this, there are no differences in comparison.

To navigate to SEOWL, click here



This is a very good Sitemap URL Extractor.

Click on the link provided below and Login using your Google Account. The Main Page will display several Bots for various purposes. Search for Sitemap URL Parser and click on ‘Start Bot’. In the next page, click on ‘Start Bot’ again, provide the URL to your Sitemap XML file and click on ‘Start this Bot’ to begin the process of scraping the URLs. When the job is completed, click on ‘View Data’ and all the Parsed URLs will be displayed in a separate page.

Click on the ‘Sheet’ icon to copy all the URLs to the clipboard and open a New Google Sheet. You can then paste the extracted URLs in this sheet.

Click on CSV / XLS / JSON icon to download the URL data to your local disk in the respective formats.

BOTSTER will be my personal choice for extracting URLs from a Sitemap XML file as it provides the facility to download all the extracted URLs in multiple file formats.

Click here to redirect to BOTSTER and extract URLs from your Sitemap XML.




Sitemap Scraping is a very easy and simple process and doesn’t require any additional advanced features. You can see that there are no major differences in any of the above online tools except the download feature. Spend some time with the above tools and choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

Free/Paid: Free

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