Free Online AI Song Maker and Rap Generator with Vocals: BeatBot

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BeatBot is an awesome website that composes short songs based on your text prompt. BeatBot uses the proprietary AI of Splash for the vocals and music and for lyrics it uses Open AIs GPT-3. Splash is a popular AI company that is involved in developing revolutionary video games that enable anyone to perform music to live audiences enclosed in virtual venues.

The AI used by BeatBot has been trained on huge amounts of data gathered and owned by Splash as well as lots of data that is freely available under the Creative commons License. BeatBot is absolutely free, and you can share your creation on Twitter once it has been generated or download it to your system.

How it Works:

1. Use the link provided at the end of this article to navigate to BeatBot

2. In a few words, describe the song that you desire to create and click on the ‘Generate’ button. If you are not sure of any words to use, simply click on ‘Surprise me’ and BeatBot will do the job for you.

Describe the song in few words

3. Wait for some time, while BeatBot processes your input and generates the song. The lyrics get generated first and it takes an additional time for the vocals to be created.

Song generated

4. You can click on ‘Copy Link’ to copy and share the weblink of the song with others. You can also click on ‘Tweet’ to share the song on Twitter.

5. If you wish to download the song, click on the corresponding button and the song starts playing in a new browser tab. Click on the 3-dots icon at the bottom right of the screen and then click on ‘Download’ to save the song in your computer in MP4 format.

Download song

Closing Comments:

BeatBot is a web application meant for creating short songs from nothing except your text input. GPT3 is deployed to generate the lyrics while Splash AI weaves the music for you. It can surely prove to be a game changer for the music industry if it goes on evolving and improving as the days go by.

Click here to visit BeatBot.

Free/Paid: Free

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i want to test this software how good is it in music production pls



Yes go ahead give it a try on your iPhone.

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