Learn English Online With English Baby Free Website

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English Baby is a free website that allows you to learn Engligh online by reading lessons, finding friends, and chatting with them in english. The website provides you with free english lessons, words to improve your vocabulary on a  daily basis. You can also play the free grammar, vocabulary quizzes to help yourself to learn better. There are Mp3 audio lessons available as well that you can download to keep listening and learning even when you are away from your online account. You just have to create an account with the website and everything is available for you to use for free.

English baby-learn english online-sign up

This website is a very simple and efficient platform for you to learn English online. All the users come together and use this one platform to improve their English speaking skills. It provides a very healthy environment as all the users are working towards achieving one goal. You can compete with your friends while playing quizzes etc. and see who gives more correct answers. You can visit the link given at the end of the article to try this website.

Also check out Talk English to learn english online.

How To Use This Website To Learn English Online?

The first step to start using this website is to create an account. You can sign up with email or with your Facebook account (as shown in the above screenshot). The website aims to make you learn English by reading articles, chatting, playing quizzes etc. After you have created an account, you can get access to all this. Lets us have a detailed explanation of the methods adopted by English baby:

  • The first such method is that the website provides you English lessons on a daily basis. These lessons contain general paragraphs that you can read and learn. Along with these paragraphs, there are conversations or dialogs that you can read and listen to to understand the flow and how  a conversation should take place. It also contains an option to download the lesson but that has been reserved for the paid version.

English baby-learn english online-lessons

  • The second method in this website to learn English online is playing vocab quizzes. It helps in improving your vocabulary. The website keeps uploading different words of English and asks you to tell its meaning.You can select an option out of the given options and submit your answer. The website displays whether your answer is correct or not and also displays the list of members who gave the correct answer.  The website contains other good quizzes as well but that has also been reserved for the paid version.

English baby-learn english online-vocab quiz

  • Another method to help you to learn English online is by finding your friends and conversing with them. There is no better substitute for direct conversation and English baby lets you add friends in your account and chat with them to learn English.  You can send friend request to other users and chat with them when they accept it.
  • The website also contains an English forum. In this forum you can ask questions, share your interest, answer questions etc. All this helps you in building your confidence and learning better English. The more you contribute in the forum, the more you learn and gain for yourself.

Key Features Of English Baby

  • Easy to use
  • Helps in learning and improving your english
  • Contains different methods to make you learn in a better way
  • Allows you chat with your friends
  • Allows you to Login with your Facebook account.

Final Verdict

I feel English baby is a much better platform if you want to improve your English rather than learning. The website does not teach you the basics of English that are necessary for learning english. It contains methods that are engrossing and can help you in improving your english and vocabulary. So, if you already know some English and want to improve it even further, English Baby is a good option.

Try English baby here!

Free/Paid: Free

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