Pinball Game For Windows 10: Momonga Pinball Adventures

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Momonga Pinball Adventures is a free Pinball game app for Windows 10. The game is focused towards the young audience, kids to be specific. The controls of the game are very simple, and the game needs a keyboard to be played. In the game you play as Momonga the squirrel whose house has been wrecked by a group of owls, and you are rescued by a panda who teaches you how to get your way around obstacles. These obstacles are designed in a Pinball course, hence this game takes standard Pinball to a whole new level by adding a storyline to it. What’s more, it’s designed in a 3D format, so it’s even more fun to play.

Momonga Pinball Adventures is available for free from the Windows App Store.


Left Arrow Key: Control left flipper.

Right Arrow Key: Control right flipper.

Spacebar: Fire the ball.

Features of Momonga Pinball Adventures:

Launch the game to see the below interface.

Momonga Pinball Adventures main screen

From the very first screen you can see that the game has amazing graphics. You can click on the large red Play button to be taken to level selection screen.

Momonga Pinball Adventures select level

Just click on a level, when it gets highlighted, click on the red Play button at the bottom right of the screen. First you will be shown an introduction video for the game.

Momonga Pinball Adventures game intro

You can skip this video or watch it completely. The skipping part is easy, you just have to click on the skip button at the top left. Now, you will be in the gameplay zone.

Momonga Pinball Adventures gameplay

You can see that the squirrel Momonga curls up to become the Ball himself. You can then control him to destroy obstacles etc. via the flippers at the bottom of the screen. As the levels progress, the difficulty of the levels increase too. Upon completion of the level, you will be shown the score which you made.

Momonga Pinball Adventures level completed

This wraps the main features of Momonga Pinball Adventures for Windows 10.

Some other games:

The verdict:

Momonga Pinball Adventures is a cute Pinball game which everyone will surely love. The incredibly simple gameplay makes the game even more fun to play!

Get Momonga Pinball Adventures.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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