How to Search Stock Photos on Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels Together

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Stocks House is a Chrome Extension that lets you search for stock photos/videos/audios on multiple websites at once. 

When you search for some term using this tool, it opens a new window and searches your term simultaneously on multiple websites of your choice.

It’s very easy to use and has a good user interface. You can download this Chrome Extension by clicking here.

How to Use Stocks House?

After installing this Chrome Extension to your browser, simply click on the extension, and it’ll open in a new tab. You can also pin it for convenience.

Stocks House homepage

Type in the term you want to search for and click “SEARCH”. You can select between Photo, Video, and Audio.

You can also see the different websites that your search term will open in. Furthermore, you can uncheck any of the websites you don’t want to see results in.

For Photo searches, it has Unsplash, iStock, Shutterstock, Pexels, Visual Hunt, Free Range, Pixabay, Stock Snap, Shopify Burst.

Most of the websites for Photo, Video, and Audio results are the same, but a few are different. For video searches, it has video-only platforms like Vimeo,, Clipcanvas, and Pond5.

For Audio results, it has audio-only platforms like soundeffectplus and soundbible.

I have searched for the term “Dogs” and as you can see it has searched for the term “Dogs” in 9 different websites in a new window. You can see the 9 tabs open in the new window

Stocks House search

Who Should Use it?

Anyone who uses stock photos can use this tool to save their time and make it convenient for them to search for stock photos. Instead of searching for a term on different websites manually, you’ll just need to search for it once, and you will be able to see the results on different websites.

This tool can come in handy for Graphic Designers, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, etc.

Free/Paid: Free

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