Monitor Folder Shares to Find New Files Shared: ShareWatcher

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ShareWatcher is a free software that monitors your shared folders, and tells you who and when accessed your shared folders. Apart from that, it also monitors folders that are shared by other people, and lets you know whenever new files are added to shares.

ShareWatcher basically does following 3 tasks:

Monitor Shared Folders to Know When they were Accessed:

ShareWatcher will monitor all the folders that you have shared on your PC. For those, it will tell you who accessed those shared folders, and when were shared folders accessed.


Monitor Shared Folders of Other Users:

ShareWatcher can also monitor the folders that are shared by other users. By doing this, it tells you whenever a new file has been added to shared folders. This is a pretty interesting use, as I haven’t come across any other software that provides this info. This is almost like creating RSS for shared folders. Some software that do provide something similar are: monitor folder changes, monitor disk changes, and monitor file changes.

Monitor FTP Folders for New Files:

ShareWatcher can also monitor FTP folders, and let you know whenever a new file is available on them.

ShareWatcher is extremely easy to use, and very useful.  ShareWatcher comes from the makers of FileToFolder.

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Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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