Android Color Splash Effect App to Add Color, Filters to Photos

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Color Splash effect is a free Android app that lets you add color splash effect to your photos. You can add colors to any part of the photo, or entire photos, using various available brushes. It also lets you retain a part of your image in original color, and change color of everything else. For example, you can turn your entire photo in Black and White using Greyscale, and then retain original color of a part of that by just touching those parts.

Apart from adding color splash effects, it also comes with various effects (like, Vintage effects) that you can add to your photos. In fact, for best results, first add an effect to a photo, and then retain original colors of some of the parts, to get a majestic looking photo.

Color Splash effect- final

It also lets you add frames to photos, add texture to photos, and change light. And of course, basic image editing things like zoom, crop, pan, etc.

You can easily share your edited image on various social networking sites, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. I found this app better than Color Splash FX, as it provides you many effects and brush types to create an amazing photo.

How to Add Color Splash Effects to Photos in Android:

This app makes it quite easy to add nice Color Splash Effects in Android. You can install this app by download link given at end of this review. When you start this app, it will ask you to pick the photo on which you have to add effects. You can take a photo from your camera, or pick one from library. In addition to that, it also lets you pick photos from Dropbox as well as Google Drive.

Once you have selected a photo, you can crop it to desired size. Now, you are all set to start adding nice effects to your photos.

You will notice that when you start working on your photo, the app will immediately convert the photo to Black & White. This is the default operation of the app. All the effects that you add will be on this version of the photo.

Color Splash Effect Android-image comparison

The first thing you would want to do is to convert some part of the photo to the original color. This would be the part in the photo that you want to highlight. For example, if you have taken your photo with your shiny new car (or, even shiny new dog), then you might want the car (or dog) in the photo to come in original colors, while everything else would stay in Black and White. For that, click on the “Flower” type icon at the bottom (this would actually be already clicked by default). Now, just start moving your finger over the parts of the photo that you want to change back to original color. As you move your finger, you will notice the original color coming out. Looks pretty cool, right?

In the screenshot below, you can see that background is till Black and White, while I have changed myself into original colors.

Color Splash Effect Android-color splashed image

Let’s say you want to add some special effects to photo while getting back the original color. For that, you need to change brush type. On top right corner, you will notice a small icon for a brush; click on that. It will show four types of brushes:

Color Splash Effect Android-brush types

  • Normal: This is the one we had been using till now.
  • Blur: This will bring out the original color, but will blur it as well.
  • Emboss: This is a pretty cool brush. It will make parts of the images look as embossed. Good to highlight some solid object (or even muscles ;) )
  • Transparent: As the name implies, it adds transparent effect.

Just choose any of the brush that you want, change the brush size, and continue tinkering with your photos. And don’t worry if you make a mistake, you can always use Redo option to go back.

So, till now, we have had our photo converted to Black and White and then we restored a part of that photo to original color by using brushes.

Let’s add some more effects to the photo.

Next thing you would want to do is to click on Magic stick icon in bottom right corner. This small icon packs quite a punch.

It will show various effects that you can add to your photo. You can add Filters (Instagram type), Frame, Texture, and Light effects to photos.

Color Splash Effect- Filters-Effects, Frames, Texture

When you click on any of these options, this app will show you all the effects that are available. The best part is that it shows how your photo would look with those effects. So, before you even apply an effect, you will know which effect is perfect for your photo. Just pick the effect that works best for you. You can select more than one effect as well.

The app has lot of effects that are free, but some are paid as well. I found number of free effects to be sufficient for effective use of this app.

Once you have done your coloring and added effects, you should ideally be done. But in case you want to do more, the app has some other features as well.

First of all, it gives a traditional paintbrush using which you can paint on your photo in any color.

Apart from that, it also lets you add text to your photo. Perfect for creating those meme.

Color Splash Effect- save and share

Once you are done with everything, click on “Clipboard” icon on top left corner to share the image. One of the interesting feature of this app is that it lets you save the session as well. This means you can anytime come back to the editing that you were doing on the photo, and continue from where you left off. Of course, you can just save your image to your phone, or share on social networking sites too.

My Opinion of Color Splash Effects for Android:

This app already has millions of downloads on Google Play Store. And I think I understand why. The app is simply awesome if you want to add color splash effects, or other effects to your photos. Frankly, I found this app better than Instagram (don’t worry Zuckerberg; your $1 Billion haven’t gone waste). It makes it very easy to do everything.

The app is ad supported and the ad stays on top of the screen, but I didn’t find the ad distracting, so I am ok with it.

Overall, it is a really cool app that you definitely need to try.

Get Color Splash Effect for Android from here, or scan the QR code:

Color Splash Effect Android-QR code

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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