Change Facebook Video Speed with these Free Chrome Extensions

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Here are 5 free Chrome extensions to change Facebook video speed. Yes, you can control video speed while playing any Facebook video on Google Chrome browser. You can speed up, slow down, rewind and advance Facebook video speed.

Some Facebook video speed changer Chrome extensions come with hotkey support as well as provide a menu to control Facebook video speed. Other extensions provide volume control buttons or hotkeys or menu.

Apart from Facebook, these extension might also work to control video speed on YouTube, or any other HTML5 video available on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Let’s check these free Chrome extensions to change Facebook video speed.

Video Speed Manager

Video Speed Manager

Video Speed Manager (Homepage) is one of the best options here to change Facebook video speed. It provides a menu icon on Facebook video on the top left part. Using that menu icon, you can expand volume control options and then increase and decrease video speed by 10 seconds and also rewind and advance video time.

If speed control menu is not comfortable or sufficient for you, then you can also use hotkeys to change Facebook video speed. You can use predefined hotkeys or set custom hotkeys to increase decrease video speed, rewind and advance speed, etc.

By default, 10 seconds time is set to speed up and slow down Facebook video and 0.10 second time for speed change step. But, you can also change this number as per your requirements. Options page of this Facebook video speed change extension will help you do that. Options page also help you add websites to blacklist to disable this extension on such websites.

Video Speed Controller

Video Speed Controller

This is another handy Facebook video speed controller Chrome extension. Its name (Video Speed Controller) already gives a good hint about the working part of this extension. Here is its homepage. It lets you increase and decrease Facebook video speed using volume control buttons (using the pop-up of this extension) and the hotkeys. You can increase decrease speed by 0.25x and also use speed up option to increase speed by 4x.

Like “Video Speed Manager”, it doesn’t let you customize increase decrease value. You can’t change predefined hotkeys too. Still, the extension works pretty well in changing Facebook video speed. Therefore, it is a good option to try.

Video Speed

video speed chrome extension

Video Speed (Homepage) is a very simple Chrome extension and the work to control video speed on Facebook is done by it pretty well. It doesn’t come with any pop-up or other menu to change Facebook video speed. Instead, it supports pre-defined hotkeys.

You can use “[” and “]” brackets to speed up and slow down Facebook video speed. To back and skip video by 5 seconds, you can use “” and “+” buttons. And use ‘0‘ to reset the video speed. That’s all this FB video speed changer extension does.

Speed Control

use facebook video speed slider

Speed Control (Homepage) is a simple Chrome extension. It doesn’t come with hotkey support. Instead of that, you can open speed control slider of this extension and then adjust Facebook video speed between 0.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

The extension has pre-set minimum and maximum speed values but you can also open its Options page to change the default values. Set a custom value, change interval (for speed change), and save the change. After that, you can use that slider according to the speed values set by you.

Video Speed Control Jumper


Video Speed Control Jumper (Homepage) is also an easy to use Chrome extension. To change Facebook video speed, it provides speed controller buttons on the top left part of the video. You can use those buttons to slow down and speed up video speed between 0 to 9. You can also skip and backward video speed by 10 seconds using left and right arrow keys.

There are no other options or hotkeys to change Facebook video speed. All it provides is two speed control buttons. If that is you are looking for, then this extension is perfect for you.

The Conclusion:

I would personally prefer those Chrome extensions which come with hotkey support. And the best video speed controller Chrome extension for Facebook as per my opinion is “Video Speed Manager“. Its features to customize slow down and speed up values and speed change step make it much better extension.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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