5 Free Online Reverse Piano Chord Finder

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Here are 5 free online reverse piano chord finder. You can use them to easily find the name of any piano chord just by doing a reverse chord search. A reverse chord search means you would need to press some notes on a piano keyboard and according to that, it will show you the name of the chord and sometimes other related chords. To use these reverse piano chord finder, all you gotta do is open them up and then you will see a virtual piano keyboard. Now, press any keys you want and then it will tell you exactly which chord is it instantly.

Doing reverse piano chord search can come in handy for all the newbies who are starting to learn how to play the piano. We have already covered some of the best free online piano chord generator, which allow you to choose the root note & chord type to generate and see the chords on a piano. But, if you’re looking just opposite of that, then these reverse piano chord finder will help you with that.

reverse piano chord finder

Let’s get started with these free online reverse piano chord finder.

Reverse Chord Finder (by Soundgrail):

Reverse Chord Finder (by Soundgrail) is no doubt one of the best free online reverse piano chord finder. You can use it to easily know the name of any chord just by entering the associated notes on a piano keyboard. When you open this website, you will see a virtual piano keyboard on which you can click to enter notes. As soon as you do that, it will automatically show you the chord name in real-time. This way you can find the name of any piano chord you want by doing a simple reverse chord search.

Chord Identifier:

Chord Identifier is another useful online reverse piano chord finder that can help you easily identify a chord and its name. To do that, simply open up this website and then select the notes on the virtual piano by clicking on the keys. As soon as you do that, hit the “Find These Notes” button to proceed. Now, it will analyze the note and show you the name of the chord which is made by the notes selected by you. It will also show all the other chord containing the notes with the original keynote. So, this is how you can do a reverse piano chord search with this website.

Reverse Chord Finder (by EarPower):

Reverse Chord Finder (by EarPower) can also be used to do reverse piano chord search. This is a free reverse chord finder tool that can help you identify the name of any chord online for free. For that, you would need to open this tool and then start entering the notes on the piano keyboard. As soon as you do that, it will automatically show you the chord name at the top. One of the unique features of this website is that it also shows you notes on the keyboard based on your chord selection.

Power Chord:

Power Chord is also one of the best free online reverse piano chord finder that you can use to identify any piano chord from its notes. When you open this website, you will see a virtual piano keyboard on which you would need to enter the notes required for the chord you want to find. You can do that just by clicking on the keys. Once you do that, it will take the notes into account and show you the actual chord in real-time. There are other additional options available using which you can play the notes, select different modes for the notes, and also choose notes from a predefined table.


Gootar is the last free online reverse piano chord finder which also lets you find any chord just by entering the notes on the keyboard. After you open this website, you can see a simple virtual piano on which you would need to enter the notes to find the chord. To do that, you can use your mouse and click on the piano keys. After that, you can instantly see the chord name at the top of the keyboard. Similar to “Reverse Chord Finder (by EarPower)”, this one also comes with the option to do the opposite and see the chord on the piano by selecting chord notes.

Closing Words:

So, these are the best free online reverse piano chord finder which can assist you to find any chord by entering notes on a virtual piano keyboard. Using these websites is fun and simple. You can find the name of any piano chord in no time when using any of these reverse chord finder. Go ahead and try them out.

Do let me know which one you liked.

Free/Paid: Free

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