8 Free Websites and Apps for Game of Thrones Fans

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The last season of Game of Thrones has started airing. Along with that the fans get to hear a lot of rumors, and conspiracy theories come out. The fans of this show have their own theories about everything and they do like to voice their opinions. Now if you are a big fan of this show, then you do want to stay updated with everything about this show. So you can boast in front of your friends, or you can prove other friends theories wrong. You can also make a guess with your friends about their and your theories for the next episode. Who ever turns out to be right can have bragging rights to be the biggest fan.

So in this article we will be reading about some websites and apps for GOT fans. Let’s look at these websites and apps below.

Quarter Maester

Quarter Maester has got to be the best one out of the lot, this website traces the movement of each character on a map. Its pretty impressive to go through the website. As you can see in the above screenshot, there is a map and on the right side you have options to browse the map. You can browse the map with two options, you can either track a characters movements based on the chapters of the book, or you can track movements of a character based on the TV episodes. Choose whichever you like. There is a list of characters given on the right side as well which check boxes in front of them. Check mark the box of a character whose movements you would like to track. Then move the slider given on top, to see where the character was in which chapter or which episode.

When you click on the location of a character, it will open a wiki page, where you can find more information about that location and its rulers. You also have an option to see the region map, to see which region belonged to which nobility. It is a awesomely detailed map, with links to wiki website for more details.

A Search of Ice and Fire

A Search of Ice and Fire gives you a search box, through which you can search any word or text phrase from your favorite books. For example, you can search for a word like “Khal” and it will show you results of how many times does that name appear in the books. When I did the search in all the books, it showed me 259 results with this name. The search shows you which book and which chapter the name was mentioned. You can search for any such term which you want to.

Making Game of Thrones

Making Game of Thrones is the official HBO website for behind the scenes action. You can find cast and crew interviews, art work, news from the set, etc. The latest news, or art work would be displayed on the home page of the website. On the right side of the page you will see a menu. From this menu you can browse featured posts, browse categories by filter like art, from the author, from the fans, inside the series, on the set, interviews, throwback, etc.


Westeros is a website where you will find reviews, forums, preview, etc. This site is for everyone who wants to know more about the Game of Thrones. There is information about the show, number of seasons, casting, etc. There is also a dedicated information source for the original book by George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire. There are forums where you can interact with fans and share your theories as well as learn something new from other fans. You can also watch and read reviews of the latest episode by other experts or fans. You can also visit the gallery to see images from the latest episodes.

Watchers on the Wall

Watchers on the Wall is a great website for getting news about the show, information about the cast, forums to have meaningful discussions, read reviews or commentary by writers on the website. You can follow the website on various social media to get the latest info. When you open this website, you will see a countdown timer running at the top of the website. It is a countdown to the next episode airing time which you can see. There is video commentary by people, and episode previews are also available to see. You can also join in on live chats, or live discussions being carried out by the website.

Map for Game of Thrones Free


Map for Game of Thrones Free is a Android app where a interactive GOT map is available to recap all the episodes. The map covers all the locations ever released in the TV show or the books. You can easily tap on any location on the map and read more about it, that is why the map is called interactive. You can get detailed information on books, characters, areas, etc. Click on the three bar icon you see on your screen, you will see a menu come up like the one seen in the screenshot above. From this menu you can choose what you want, like TV series recap, books, characters, settlements, areas, etc.

The TV series recap will list all the seasons of the show, all the seasons will have a list of all the episodes in it. When you click on a episode it will take you to a location on the map, this location would be highlighted with a light color so you can easily find it. When you click on the location a description of it will open up at the bottom of the page.

The books tab will list all the books, and inside each book will be chapters as in the book. Again clicking on a chapter will take you to a highlighted location on the map, which you can click and read more about.

The characters page will list all the actors who play various characters. Clicking on a actor will open up a description containing biography, history and quotes by the actor. Similarly, you can go through the settlements and areas tabs.

Check out a detailed review of this app here.

Talk the Thrones

Talk the Thrones is a podcast dedicated to Game of Thrones. If you are a GOT fan then you will get a in-depth analysis of each episode through this podcast. You can also find news about the show, news about its actors, various theories floating around, etc. You can find a link for the podcast on the page, which you can easily watch by clicking on it. You can easily find out more about your favorite show and even learn about some theories which you didn’t know about.

Winter is Coming

Winter is coming is a fan website made for the Game of Thrones. On this website you can find news, podcasts, recaps, season reviews, and even spoilers. The website home page can be seen in the screenshot above. You can read the latest news about filming, actors, and what the media is saying. The episode recaps can be checked out with a great description about the episode and clips are accompanied. You can also build your own small council. Check out season recaps if you want as well.


These are some websites and apps which can be of great use to fans of GOT. The Game of Thrones fan following has become a cult following and  fans are always looking for more resources to check out their theories. These websites and apps can also prove to be handy for people who are just getting started with this series. They can learn more about each character and its actors, and read about all the theories floating around. So if you are a GOT fan then you should definitely check these websites out and if you are not a fan then you might learn something that you didn’t know. So go ahead and check these websites and apps out.

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