WhenX is a free, open-source, online tool that allows you to ask a question, responds to it by searching the web and then creates a Semantic Alert to automatically notify you by email when the answer to it changes.
You can use it in cases where you automatically wish to be notified of something in the future such as the publishing of a new book, a new job posting or the release of a new product.
WhenX is run by event-driven autonomous agents in the background. These agents create alerts in the form of “When X happens, then do Y. Presently, WhenX supports only email alerts that take up the form of “When X happens, send me an email report”.
How It Works:
1. Click on this link to navigate to WhenX and sign up for a free account using your email address.
2. Follow the instructions send to your inbox for signing in and you will be navigated to the WhenX dashboard.
3. Click on the button ‘Create Alert’, type your question in the text box and click on ‘Create’. For example, ‘Is there a new book by J.K. Rowling’ or ‘What is the latest album released by Jay Z?’.
4. The next step is to test the alert to confirm if the answers are correct. For this, click on the alert that you just created. It may take some time for the answer to be generated.
5. Your alert is now deployed, and you will automatically receive an alert in your email when the answer changes.
Closing Comments:
WhenX seems to be a tool that has a great potential. It can be used to ask a question, get an answer from the web and semantically alert you via email when the answer changes in the future.
Click here to navigate to WhenX. To access the WhenX source code on GitHub, click here