Do Real time voice chat with Steve Jobs and Others on this Free AI Website

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BanterAI is a free, awesome, and innovative website that allows users a golden opportunity to have a voice chat with the cloned version of famous people and celebrities. Right from your favorite musician, actor, to a business, celebrity, politician, influencer etc. Banter AI enables you to connect with their virtual clones and respond to your statements in real time.

You can easily engage with the clones and have wide-ranging conversations with them discussing about their opinions on any events, social issues etc., their personal lives, the latest projects that they are engaged with and much more. The clones are appropriately designed to emulate the voices and mannerisms exhibited by the real-life individuals and this helps to create a genuine and immersive experience for the users.

The advanced AI technology of BanterAI renders the conversations highly interactive, responsive and charming. This inspires the users to have an authentic and personalized exchange with the clones of their chosen celebrity figures. At the time of writing this article, the database of celebrity clones includes Business Magnates like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs, people in politics like Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Hollywood celebrities like Scarlett Johansson and Kevin Hart, influencers like Kim Kardashian and even Animation characters like Raiden Shogun and more.

How it Works:

1. Simply navigate to BanterAI by clicking on the link that we have provided at the end of this article.

2. Browse through the list of people and celebrities and decide with whom you wish to engage. You can click on ‘View all’ to go through the entire list of choices.

Choose celebrity

View all BanterAI voices

3. Click on the call icon (green color) to initiate a call with the virtual clone. You must assign the necessary permission to your browser to access your microphone.

Initiate a call

4. Begin interacting and engaging with the clone by starting a voice conversation. You can try discussing on a range of topics and themes based on the individual that you have chosen.


BanterAI is totally free for users but to get access to their entire collection of more than 100 avatars, you can subscribe to their paid plans.

Closing Comments:

Whether you are a music enthusiast, a movie buff or a follower of history, BanterAI allows you to engage with your favorite personalities in an entirely innovative and engaging manner that has not been seen before. Try BanterAI today and experience the power of entertainment backed and driven by AI.

Click here to navigate to BanterAI

Free/Paid: Free

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