Wheel Of Life: Free Online Goal Management Service

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The Wheel Of Life Cloud Edition is a free web-based life, career, and goal management service. With the help of Wheel Of Life you can easily set goals, in both personal and professional life, and then you can keep track of how much of those goals you actually achieved. There are 8 different categories where you can place goals, all of which are related to personal and professional development in some way.

Wheel Of Life goal management service

Check out some similar services reviewed by us like: StickkThrive, and Careverge.

Image above is only a small fraction of this goal management service’s interface, this is actually a pie chart where you can monitor graphically how many goals you’ve completed in the previously mentioned 8 categories. There are several different options and tools available next to the pie chart that you can see above, which you can use in order to manage life goals.

Key Features of this Free Goal Management Service:

  • Categorized life goal management, 8 different categories available.
  • Manage career, money, health, people, love, growth, fun, exercise.
  • Track progress with the help of a list and graphical pie charts.
  • Free registration and easy to set up goal management service.

Setting goals is a great way of how you can increase the chances of actually completing them, and if you write them down with The Wheel Of Life and track your progress graphically then you should be motivated even more. Adding and managing goals is very easy with this free goal management service. Here are few tips to get started with this service.

How to Manage and Set Life Goals with Wheel Of Life Cloud Edition?

Registration is necessary to use Wheel Of Life. After you’re done you should be automatically logged in. On the left you should see the graph which can be seen above, and on the right side of the screen you should see the list of categories where you can start adding goals right away.

Wheel Of Life adding life goals

You can easily add new goals by clicking the Add button. You should see a new line added, by clicking on the default title of the goal you’ll be able to change it to something a bit more descriptive. Each goal can have a different level of priority. Add goals into their categories so that they can be found more easily later on.

Wheel of Life percentages

Once that you have goals added to the list, it’s time that you actually do something to fulfill them. When you’re done put a check mark next to each one of the goals on the list that you’ve completed. You should see the completion percentage present for each category of goals. Try and make it to 100% and of course always add new life goals to motivate yourself even further.


If you’re having problems and you are not able to follow the plans that are important for your life, perhaps a fresh look on things is all you need. Create a list with Wheel Of Life free web service and once that you see everything you need to do there, on the list, perhaps you’ll feel more incline towards actually doing something.

Free/Paid: Free

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