Windows 10 Picture Guessing Game App: Animal Quiz

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Animal Quiz is a free Windows 10 picture guessing game app where you have to guess the name of the animal shown in the picture to you. The app shows you a picture of an animal and you have to guess the name of that animal using the jumbled letters given.

The Windows 10 picture guessing game app can be downloaded from the Windows 10 store or from the link given at the end of this article. When you start the app for the first time you will see an interface as shown in the below screenshot.

animal quiz home

The homepage is pretty simple with a play button to start the game. The app is ad supported, but the ads are not too distracting. When you click the play button you will see the level selection screen like seen in the screenshot below.

animal quiz levels

You have to start with level one as the other two levels are locked and can only be opened on successful completion of level one. Click on level one and the first picture will come in front of you.

animal quiz layout

You have to fill in the blanks given on the right side with the name of the animal you see in the picture. The letters can be chosen from the jumbled letters given at the bottom right side.

If you correctly guess the name of the animal in picture, you will get 20 coins and a continue button to move on to the next picture. This can be seen in the screenshot below.

animal quiz correct answer

Top right of the app window displays the level you are playing and each level has 50 pictures in it. You are also shown which picture out of 50 are you on presently. You can see the number of coins you have and there is a hints button as well.

animal quiz hints

As soon as you click the hints button, you get options as shown in the screenshot above, where you can expose one letter for 40 coins, or solve the question for 160 coins, etc.

Features of this Windows 10 picture guessing game app:

  • Guess the name of animals by looking at pictures.
  • Over 150 animal pictures to be guessed.
  • Hints to help you out when stuck.
  • High resolution pictures.
  • 20 coins for each correct answer.
  • Coins can be used to buy hints.


Animal Quiz is a fun game app for guessing animal pictures. You can see animal pictures and guess there names using the jumbled letters. It can prove to be a fun game app for kids and adults at the same time.

Check out Animal Quiz for Windows 10 here.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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