Index and Search code from Enterprise Repository: Code Sight

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Code Sight by Black Duck is a software application that lets you search code from your Enterprise project directory. The idea behind creating Code Sight is that searching source code from Enterprise is big task, with the help of Code Sight it becomes simple, fast and easy.

The free version of software lets you index up to 200000 lines of code. Black duck has not provided a direct link for Code Sight download. You need to enter your email in the download screen, you will then receive an email containing link to Windows and Linux installation files. The installation file is almost of 350 MB,  so download may take time depending upon your internet speed.

Code Sight has three main components, Database, Server and User Interface. It uses exclusive and dedicated Postgre SQL database. Code Sight uses Apache Lucene Solr server on apache Tomcat server and web based HTML User Interface.

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Minimum system requirement for small server catering 1 to 25 users are: Quad core processor, 8GB memory and 100GB disk space. Supported browsers are Chrome, Safari, IE, Mozilla Firefox.

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For installation follow the steps given in the installation guide pdf. Code sight can be installed on Windows and Linux. Code Sight allows you to run software in registered and unregistered mode. If you want to run it without registration, it will only allow you to add 200,000 lines of code and if you want to add more code, you can register and get licensed version.

How to use Code Sight

  1. You would need a designated administrator who will do all the administration as and when required. He will first have to configure code sight so that it has access to all the codes in company repositories.
  2. After configuration, code sight will create indexes for quick search. It will keep analysing files and add index if any new file added.
  3. You can perform search operation using Search page of Code Sight which is a web based HTML page, as described above.
  4. Once you find the search result based on your queried search string, you can view the code and even download the file containing code.

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Code sight is similar to Black Duck’s another Web Engine Ohloh, which lets you search source code from online free open source code, and even lets you download it. Code Sight is a similar implementation on Enterprise platform, which lets you search from a single company’s directory. Code Sight lets you apply various filters to get better search results. You can select from wide range of Languages, File extensions, Projects and definition, just like Ohloh.

Key Features of Code Sight

  • It lets you search, analyse and Share the code from your enterprise.
  • You can filter your search results based on Language, file type, project and definition.
  • It lets you check how an API works.
  • It lets to track any function, variable or class to its origin.
  • Code Sight is available with detailed documentation, which you can refer anytime.
  • You can check how various files uses different classes and more.

Overall Review

Code Sight is a software which makes it easier for you to search code within your workspace. It is available with detailed installation and user guide, which can be referred at any point you are stuck. Code Sight lets you use registered as well as unregistered version, where in unregistered version supports only 200, 000 lines of code. Check out your system requirement because Code Sight has high system requirements, as it is meant for use in enterprise environment. Get Code Sight from this link.

Works With: Windows, Linux
Free/Paid: Free

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