Discover Movies based on Mood, View Trailer, Read Synopsis

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Jaman Movie Discovery is a free website to discover movies based on your mood. Whether you are in serious, funny, or action mood, you can set the preferences (by moving the sliders) to find the relevant movies. Furthermore, you can filter the list by genres and by providers (Amazon, Netflix, Vudu, iTunes, etc.). This website has a huge database of movies and lets you find the movies best suited to your mood.

Although there are many websites that have movie databases, but this feature to sort movies by mood is pretty nice. Moreover, you can also set the mood range to discover the movies. For example, if you are feeling a bit funny and more serious, you can adjust the mood level using sliders, and sorted list of movies will be in front of you.

Jaman Movie Discovery- homepage

The above screenshot shows the homepage of this website and list of movies based on my selected mood.

Other Key Features:

  • Lets you view movie rating and mood of movies set by users. However, you can also store personalized rating and mood for any movie. But, you need to create a free account for this.
  • It also lets you discover more movies based on the selected movie.
  • You can view the trailer and read the synopsis of any movie.
    view trailor and read synopsis
  • Option to add movies to watchlist is also available.
  • If you want, you can check the availability of a particular movie and buy it from Amazon, iTunes, etc.

How To Discover Movies Based on Your Mood using This Free Website?

To use this website, open its homepage. You can use the link added by me at the end of this review to jump to its homepage.

After opening the homepage, the first thing you need to do is set your mood. For this, you can find and adjust sliders for different categories of moods. Apart from this, you can also set movie providers and genres for better results.

set your mood to discover movies

When you are done with your settings, it will fetch the list of relevant movies from its database. If you are satisfied with the suggestions, you can select any movie to read the information.

filtered list of movies


For those who have a huge collection of movies or want to stream movies online, this is a fantastic website. You can first get recommended movies based on your mood and then select the movie that you should watch. You must try it at least once.

Use Jaman Movie Discovery website free.

Free/Paid: Free

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Many thanks Laxman.

Laxman Singh2015-06-08

Hey Jimmy,
Thanks for the appreciative words. And it feels really great that regular readers like you find our website’s content intriguing and relevant. Take care 😃


Yeah, great site and, yes, everyone should try it
at least once.
I have bookmarked it and I look forward to using it regularly.

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