Discover Random Interesting Videos with fflip Website

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fflip is a free website that helps to discover random interesting videos. You won’t know which video will come next and this is what’s the purpose of this website. Each video will be different and there is no category to choose videos from. You could find some interesting videos that may include some funny videos, TV shows, movies, video related to your body language shapes, some educational videos, etc.

Videos that you will stream are uploaded to YouTube by YouTube users, different channels, etc. This website only helps to discover and stream those videos. You will be able to like or dislike any video. And using the video player, you can also subscribe to a particular channel or user. However, it doesn’t let users to keep liked videos for later viewing. This was the biggest disappointment for me.

discover videos

We have also covered some similar websites that are related to stream educational videos: Clutch Prep and Brain Pump.

Note: You don’t have to create account with this website to discover videos. However, this website lets you sign up, but I didn’t find any use of it. After sign up, Browse and My Profile options are added to your account, but there is nothing to work with those options. In my opinion, creating user account should let users keep liked videos or some other features. But at present, no extra feature is provided even after creating the account.

sign up

How To Discover Random Interesting Videos Using This Free Website?

To discover videos in this website, simply access its homepage. Its homepage link is available at the end of this review.

On its homepage, you will find a Play button. Simply tap this button and a random video will start playing for you. You can also like or dislike the video with the help of available buttons. To move to next video, simply tap the same Play button (converted into Next button after playing the first video).

play movie, like and dislike video

In top right corner of video player, an information icon is also provided. Clicking on that icon will help you to subscribe to the channel or user who has uploaded that particular video. If you are already logged in with your YouTube account, it will let you subscribe directly. Otherwise, you first need to login to your account to subscribe to that particular channel/user.

subscribe to user or channel


fflip can help you to discover some interesting videos that you might have never seen before. However, it could be improved further by creating the video categories and feature to store favorited videos to user account.

Try fflip free.

Free/Paid: Free

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Thanks for reviewing fflip!

One correction: It does actually let users keep liked videos for later viewing. We just didn’t communicate it very clearly.

Once you sign up and like some videos, if you go to ‘My Profile’ and click the play button, it will start flipping through the one’s you liked.

I’ve updated the site to hopefully convey that better.

Thanks again!

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