9 Free Online Random Name Picker Websites

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Here is a  list of 9 free online random name picker websites. These websites make it easy for you to pick a random number out of all the names entered by you. Most of these websites don’t put any limit on the maximum number of names you can enter. Even the process of selecting any random number is also easy with no hassles or extra hard work to do. You don’t even have to enter any personal details or register with these services.

So let’s get started with them.

1. Class Tools:

Class Tools

Class Tools it the most interactive random name picker website in this list. On the website, you will find a wheel with some pre-entered names and following options: Edit, Save, and New. You have to click on Edit option to edit the names and replace them with the ones which you want to enter. You can enter any number of names and when you have submitted them, you will see the wheel with each name written on an individual spoke of the wheel. To pick the random name, click on the button Click to Spin to start the spinning of the wheel. After the spinning, you will get a random name which you can choose to pick or remove. The remove option is if you want to pick a random name for removing that person from the group.

2. Mini Web Tool:

Mini Web Tool

Mini Web Tool is the second online random name picker for you. It is a simple random name picker with nothing fancy. There’s a simple text box where you have to enter all the names from which you want to draw the name. After entering all the names, click on Pick A Random Name to get the randomly chosen name. You will see the particular name just below the button. If you don’t like it, then you can repeat the process.

Do remember that you have to enter each name in a separate line because if you will enter multiple names in a single line, then all of them will be considered as a single name.

3. Primary Schoolict:

Primary Schoolict

Primary Schoolict is the third website to pick a random name and it has a visually attractive interface. At the top, you’ll find the option Change Names. Use it if you want to change the default set of names with the one you have. After entering the name, there’s an option to choose the timer (1-7 seconds). The timer is the time interval till which all the names, entered by you, will scroll on the screen with speed and when the timer stops, the randomly chosen name will be displayed.  To start the scrolling of names, you have to click on the Go button. If you are using the website for choosing a name randomly for removing purpose, then there’s also an option called Remove Name from List.

4. ASchool:


ASchool is a easy to use online random name picker. There’s a simple text box for you to enter the all the names and like other name pickers, you have to enter each name in a new line. After entering the names, click Select Name option which will take you to the next page. On that page, you have to click on Select A Name to get the name. Now, the website will redirect you to a new page where you will see the randomly picked name.  If you want to change the name, then you simply have to refresh the page and a new name will be shown to you. Apart from this, the website also lets you save the names so that you don’t have to enter them again and again.

5. Random Thing Picker:

Random Thing Picker

Random Thing Picker is a website which is simple but a little different when it comes to entering the list of all the names. Generally, most of the websites ask you to enter the names in a new line but this website asks you to enter the names by separating them with a comma. There’s no need of putting a space between successive names, you can enter them as: Jack,Bruce,Noan, etc.. After this, click on Pick One to get the randomly chosen name.

6. Text Fixer:

Text Fixer

Text Fixer is the most flexible random name picker in this list. By flexible I mean that it provides you a variety of choices over differentiating between individual names in the list. You can choose from: In separate lines, Separated by commas, Separated by Semicolon, and Separated by blank space. Choose the method as per your wish and enter the names accordingly. When you have entered the name, click on Random Choice to get the name. You can click on it any number of times to generate a new random name. If you want to wipe out the current list and enter a new one, then simply click on Reset button.

7. Commontorio:


Commontorio is the random name picker which has 3 step process for picking up the random name. The first step is to enter the names with each name separated with an Enter. Step 2 is the confirmation step where all the entered names are previewed to you. On the confirmation, the random number is shown to you in step 3. You can also enter the shuffle time period (in seconds) as per your wish. This is time period till what all the names will be shuffled before showing the randomly selected name. You can click on Again button to shuffle the names as many times as you want.

8. Wheel Decide:

Wheel Decide

As the name suggests, the Wheel Decide is the website in which a spinning wheel will pick a random name for you. The wheel shows some preset names to you, but you can edit them as per your choice by using the option Modify Wheel. On entering the list of names, you have to click on the wheel and it will start spinning. After few seconds, you will see the randomly selected name as shown in the above screenshot.

9. Transum:


Transum is the last website to pick a random name. The text boxes for entering the names are on the left-hand side. You have to enter one name per text box and when you are done with this, click on the Select button. The website will start shuffling all the names and you will see the selected name after few seconds. To get a new name, click on Select button again.

These are 9 free online random name picker websites for you. Check them out and start picking the random names the easy way. If you know about some more, then do share them with me.

You may also like: 5 Free Software to Generate Random Numbers.

Free/Paid: Free

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