Customize New Tab Page of Chrome with Images, Quotes

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Present is a Chrome extension to customize new tab page of your browser with beautiful quotes. Installing this extension would change the background image to a beautiful one. Along with that you will get a inspirational quote over that image, a small yoga exercise which can be done while sitting, and a small box to keep a check of your daily water intake.

The below screenshot shows how the new tab page of my Chrome browser looks after installing this extension.

present home1

Installing this extension is pretty easy. Just click the link given at the end of this article and you will be directed to the page of this Chrome extension. From here just click on the add to Chrome button. That is it, this extension will be added to your Chrome browser.

After this whenever you will open a new tab page you will be greeted with 4 things, these are:

  • A beautiful background image.
  • A inspirational quote over this image.
  • A box which keeps an eye on your daily water intake.
  • A one minute yoga exercise that can be done while sitting in your chair.

present water check

For the water intake box, you will see 8 glass icons as shown in the above screenshot. To keep a check on your water intake, all you need to do is check mark a glass in the box whenever you drink water. So you would know at all times how much water have you had.

present quote

The background images are taken from the website 500px and they are all high resolution, beautiful images. The quotes are generated randomly, one of the quotes I loved is shown in the above screenshot. This extension has been made by a website called yogatailor, so the one minute exercises they mention are pretty useful. You can see example of an exercise shown in the screenshot below.

present exercise

I found this extension pretty nice, as I’m working on my computer the whole day and its become very easy to keep a check on my water intake. Whenever I open a new tab I can see how much water I have had and how much I need to. Also the one minute yoga exercises are great, which can be done right from the comfort of your chair. The quotes that show up are a addition to this already nice mix.

Check out Present Chrome extension here.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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Thanks Jaya.
Sounds good.
Looking forward to trying it out.

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