Free Comic Strip Creator for iPhone: Bitstrips

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Bitstrips is a free iPhone app to create comic strips starring you and your friends. It is the most fun app you will come across. Once you download this app you will be asked to sign in using your Facebook account. A seperate login is being worked at by Bitstrips creators, but for the time being Facebook is the only way you will be able to login. When you login using Facebook you will be asked to provide authorization to this app for using your Facebook account. Once that is through you will be asked to select a avatar for yourself. Basically to look like a comic character. There are lots of options to create your avatar as similar to you as possible. You can select each facial feature from a list of various different ones provided. So many options lets you create a avatar which you will find pretty similar to yourself. Now after you are done with your avatar, you will be taken to your homepage where you will be asked to add friends. Now you can check which friends of yours are already using this app and add them to your comic strips. Otherwise you can send invites to your friends for joining in the fun.

Now you are ready to create comic strips starring yourself and your friends. You will get suggestions from the app which you can see on the homescreen of the app. The section “Today’s new comics” offers you suggestion on comic creation.

Let’s look at the toolbar at the bottom of the app as shown in the screenshot below:

bitstrips toolbar

The first icon is obiviously the home screen. The second icon with a pencil lets you create a new status for yourself, a new comic strip with you and your friends, or a new greeting card. The third icon with a person on it lets you edit the avatar you created for yourself. The fourth icon with a book shows you archives, which has two options you can browse through; comics created by friends or comics created by you. The fifth icon is for settings, where you can turn push notifications on or off, log out of the app, or reset you avatar.

Now lets get back to the second icon with a pencil on it. Now lets try the first option of status comic. Clicking on this option lets you update your status in Bitstrip which can ofcourse be published in Facebook as well if you want.

bitstrips comic creator page

This page lets you search for a particular keyword or you can choose from the dropdown menu in the next box. From here you can either choose your mood, or situation or anything else which describes your present state of mind the best. I choose my mood as good, and I got options to create a comic status regarding the same mood. I choose one that described my mood the best. Now you also have the option to customize this comic status that you have chosen. Here is what I created.

bitstrips status comic

Now lets try the second option Friend + Comic. Now you get a random friend selected to make this comic strip. Which ofcourse you can change to a different friend if you want to. Again like in the above option either search for a keyword in the first box or select a jesture, joke or anything from the dropdown box. Now you will get suggestion related to the keyword you have been searching. You can find the appropriate one and customize it according to your need. Just click on the green colored square box with a pencil icon you will see on top right side of the photo you choose. The customize option allows you to change your face expression through the smiles given below. Also you will be allowed to add a callout for you and your friend where you can type a hilarious conversation between the two. Then publish it to Bitstrip gallery and if you want Facebook as well. Here is what I created.

bitstrips comic page

The third option is to create a greeting card, which works similarly like the above two. The only difference here is that you can select occassions like birthdays, wedding, etc. for searching and you will get appropriate options. So we will not work this one out in detail.

Once you are done creating a comic strip click on the share button on the bottom. This will give you two option share it on Bitstrip and Facebook or you can choose only one of them. Then go ahead and post it to share it with your friend and have a good laugh.

Honestly, I loved creating comic strips using this app. It is a nice way to communicate with your friends and have fun. Its also fun to see your avatar in a comic strip. I would definitely recommend everybody to give this app a try for the pure fun that it provides.

Try Bitstrips for iPhone here.

Works With: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
Free/Paid: Free

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