Free Golf Game for PC To Play Online or Offline

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Wonderputt is a lightweight free Flash game that can be played online as well as offline for free on your computer. The game is of golf, but instead of Tiger Woods or Jyoti Randhawa, you will have to play with the cows, toads, torpedoes and sprinkle of alien abduction. In spite of the fact that it’s a 2D with no top of the edge graphics and background music, the game still manages to keep you glued to the screen for a long time. You can play this Golf game online, or download on PC to play offline. The download size of the game is about 3MB.

The game can be controlled only through your mouse, you need to navigate arrow and drag on it to decide the strength of your shot and then make the shot with a left click. The game scales to 700 pixels wide if needed, there are 12 medals to collect ranging from very easy to very hard. You can even practice at the holes to perfect your shot. Previous game scores are saved and then compared with the previous best. Want your friends to know how good a gamer you are?Fine!! Go ahead and tweet your scores directly from the game.

Wonderputt tweet your score

You can also download free Flash games from this Flash game downloader.

How To Play Wonderputt Golf Game for PC:

Playing online is very simple, just follow the link given at the end of the article and you will be directed to a window where you will have to just click the “Start Game” button.

If you want to play the game offline, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: There is a download link provided at he homepage of the game, clicking on which will get your game file downloaded in zip format.

Step 2: Now just unzip game folder and look for “.swf” file in the unzipped folder. Just right click on the file and choose to open in any web browser.

Step 3: Your game will start in your browser. Note that the game is running offline. So, enjoy anywhere.

The game control is very simple, you need to navigate the arrow appearing on your screen just behind the golf ball and try to put the ball in the hole. When you drag your mouse pointer above the arrow, you will see the arrow getting wider. The arrow getting wider tells you how much of power in the shot you want to generate. Just decide that, and hit the left click button of the mouse to make the shot.

Wonderputt Game On

What I like most in this Golf game for PC is that all the holes are designed very creatively. There are some holes that are over snow slope, some are in waterfall, some on an alien aircraft! and so on. When you put the ball in any hole, there is a nice animation that creates the next hole in which ball has to be put. This keeps the game entertaining and exciting.


  • Simple control.
  • Can be played online or offline, both for free.
  • Tiny download size.
  • Interesting game.

My Verdict

It’s a lightweight, free fairly addictive game that you can play anywhere anytime. Be it your stretching 10 minutes time at your office or your gamer avatar at home, you will enjoy the game everywhere. Therefore I rate the Wonderputt game as “Good’.

Play Wonderputt for free here.

Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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