5 Free Fake Call Apps For iPhone

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Here in this article, I am going to tell you about 5 free fake call apps for iPhone. These apps will make it feel as if you are getting a call on your iPhone, even though actually you won’t be. Most of these apps let you define the name of caller as well from which the fake call should come (like, you can choose an important name: your spouse). You will be able to pick these fake calls to pretend that you are actually talking to someone.

Sometimes it happens that we want to leave from an awkward or uncomfortable situation. The situation can be anything, like a boring date, meeting, talking with some irritating person etc.

In that case, these free fake call apps for iPhone will help you in getting out these unwanted situations and others will not even feel strange or rude about it. The x-factor about these apps is that they also works on your iPod Touch too (though, using on iPod Touch would be quite dumb :) .

1. Fake-A-Call Free:

Fake-A-Call Free

I will start my list with the Fake-A-Call Free app for iPhone. This app lets you make both incoming and outgoing fake calls on iPhone. You can choose that when do you want to get the fake call: Instantly, In 1 minute, and in 3 minutes. Apart from this, the app lets you to schedule the fake call at any desired date and time of your choice (so, before going to a long and boring meeting, you can set the app to place a fake call after 30 minutes, and you can get out of the meeting for a nice break). You can set the volume level, background image, call style, network provider name, etc. You can also password protect the app.

Read the full review about the Fake-A-Call Free here.

Get the Fake-A-Call Free app here.

2. Escape Call Free:

Escape Call Free

The second fake call app for iPhone is Escape Call Free. When you launch it, it directly displays the screen for setting up conditions for the fake call. You can set the caller name, ringtone type, contact type, and delay time. The delay time is the time interval after which you want to receive the fake call. If you want to get the call instantly, then set it to 00:00:00.

Get the Escape Call Free app here.

3. Fake Call LITE:

Fake Call LITE

One of the easiest to use app in this list is Fake Call Lite. To get a fake call on iPhone, select the Fake A Call option. Now, you are only required to choose the caller’s name and whether you want the call instantly or some time later, and you are done. The one interesting feature of the app is that it also lets you receive a fake text as well, but you need to upgrade to the paid version to use the feature while the fake call feature is absolutely free to use.

Get the Fake Call LITE app from here.

4. Phone Booth Free 2:

Phone Booth Free 2

The fourth app that I would like to mention is Phone Booth Free 2. The app supports all the common features of any fake call app but besides this, the app lets you set the wallpaper etc., so that the fake call’s interface matches with your iPhone’s interface to give a more realistic feel to the call. You can also save the details of the fake call so that you don’t have to fill them each and every time you want to get a fake call on your iPhone. The free version of the app lets you to save only 1 fake call (you can of course get a fake call unlimited times from that); while the unlimited calls can be saved by purchasing the paid version.

Get the Phone Booth Free 2 here.

5. Best Fake Caller (Free):

Best Fake Caller (Free)

The final app in the list is Best Fake Caller (Free) for iPhone. This app lets you to receive fake Call, fake SMS, and fake MMS. You can set the individual settings for call, SMS, and MMS respectively. The rest of the functions are similar to all the other fake call apps.

Get the Best Fake Caller (Free) here.

Now, I am wrapping up my list of 5 free fake calls for iPhone. You can try any or all of them without any worries and come out of any awkward or uncomfortable situation instantly. Do try them and share your experiences with me. You can also mention the situations from which these apps helped you out. I would love to know about them.

If you are on Android, you can try this and this to get fake calls.

Works With: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
Free/Paid: Free

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