Free HyperV Server Monitor

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Free HyperV server Monitor is a freeware that helps the user in monitoring the performance of the HyperVisor running on the Windows 2008 R2. This freeware can be used to collect statistical data about various performance parameters of the system and helps the user in analyzing them to get a clear picture of the system’s functioning and efficiency. The tool fetches the data from the servers and populates them on statistical charts and graphs to produce a visual representation of the performance parameters.

Virtual machines provide the administrator with extremely cheaper options when compared to the actual machines. These are used to run platform specific programs and applications without having to invest heavily on buying the hardware. When Virtual Machines are used to run various applications and services, the performance of the physical system on which it is being run, has to be monitored in order to get a view of the efficiency of the system. Also minor tweaks can be made to the physical system, based on the statistical data of the performance of the system, inorder to increase the efficiency.  Free HyperV server monitor helps the administrator in doing just that.

HyperV Performance Monitor Tool

The various requirements of the Free HyperV server monitor are:

The hardware requirements include:

  • A minimum of 3 MB of hard disk space before installation and 10 MB after installation.
  • A minimum of 512 MB of RAM for smooth functioning of the tool.

And as far as the software requirements are concerned:

  • Free HyperV server monitor is capable of running on various versions of Window Operating Systems including windows Vista, 7 and XP.
  • This freeware needs Microsoft .NET framework (version 2.0 or higher) to be installed on the system.

It comes from the makers of Free VM Health Monitor, and Free Ping Tool.

Free HyperV server monitor indicates the performance of the system by tracking and calculating the following parameters:

  • Disk Usage: Percentage of the Primary memory usage(RAM) and the Secondary memory (Hard disk)
  • CPU Utilization:.Percentage of the CPU used and the throughput
  • Disk read and write rates to indicate the speed.
  • Network transmission ans reception statistics, including the bandwidth usage level.

A simple interface and design makes the open source tool, easy to use. First time users can also very easily learn to use the tool.

Thus Free HyperV Server monitor is an all-in-one tool to measure and monitor the performance of the virtual machine servers,(maximum of 2 at a time) effortlessly.

HyperV server monitor is available for free download here,  and sizes as small as 1.5MB. The installation just takes a few steps and is simple and quick.

Works With: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Free/Paid: Free

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