Add Time Limit To Delete Tweets Automatically With efemr App

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efemr is a free web and mobile app for Twitter that is used to add time limit to your tweets. This helps to automatically delete tweets after a definite period of time. This is useful in case you want to delete your tweet(s) after a certain period of time without accessing your Twitter account. You can put a hashtag (in minutes or hours) to your tweets and can post it. Then after the expiration of that time period, tweets will be deleted automatically. However, there can be a delay of 3-5 minutes because of different time zones.

You will find list of all deleted tweets by efemr as visible in below screenshot. If you need, you can retweet those deleted tweets from that status report. This app is still in beta version so it might not function properly (delay time can be exceeded) as happened in my case. But efemr is a simple app that can secure you by deleting controversial tweets automatically.

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You can use this app free of cost with your Twitter account. Just you need to authorize this app by signing in. Below you can see how you can set time limit to your tweets.

How To Use efemr App?

For using this web app, you need to access its homepage. Link for efemr homepage is present at the end. There you need to use the sign in with Twitter tab. After this, enter your Twitter username and password and hit the Authorize app button. Then you will be able to use this app.

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Post Tweets To Your Twitter Timeline With A Hashtag:

For automatic deletion of tweets, you need to provide a hashtag at the end of your tweet. Write tweet as usual and at the end, put a minute hashtag (#1m, #2m etc.) or an hour hashtag (like #1h). Although you can put these hashtags without efemr app also, but it will not delete your tweets. It is only possible using efemr app. See the below screenshot showing you minute hashtag. That’s it! Now simply post your tweet.

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After this, you need to wait till the entered time period to see whether it really works or not. It works no doubt, but time delay might frustrate you.

Note: Tweets are not deleted with the exact time because of different time zones or response time of servers. Another shortcoming of this app is that time delay before the tweets are deleted can exceed the alloted time by a lot more than 4-5 minutes in some cases. Like in my case it was more than 20 minutes in some tweets.


Although efemr is a good to use app which can help you to automatically delete tweets posted or retweeted by you, but its shortcomings (as mentioned above) can not be neglected. It might be because it is in beta version at present. Improvements can be done with newer versions. If you want to try this app, then use the link available below.

Try efemr for free.

Don’t forget to check out these 5 free tools to write long tweets.

Free/Paid: Free

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