Find Interesting Facts And Statistics About Your Name

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Namedat is a free website, where you could get to know some cool and interesting facts about your name. It tells you facts like, how many people are in US with the same name, in which month people with same name were born most, life expectancy of people with same name, average age of people with same name in US right now, and many more.

This website is completely free and easy to use. You don’t even have to register or sign up to use it. Similar to other websites which let you calculate death online, this website also shows the month in which most of the people died with the name you enter.

I tried to enter my name and search using this website. As I have a rare name, it didn’t display any result. Then I tried some american names and the results were pretty interesting and believable too.

I searched name ‘Logan Paul’, and these are the results that I got.


You may also like our post to Check If Your Name is Available on Multiple Social Networks.

How to use Namedat to find facts about your name ?

It is not at all difficult to use this website, as it has the easiest user interface that any website could offer. Just visit the website using its link at the end of this article, and in the search box, type the name you want to search. It also shows data about names of different cultures and countries.

NOTE: It only consists of common names and displays results based on statistics of the USA.

Key features that I like most about this website:

  • Tells about total population living with same name in the USA. It doesn’t tell exactly where people with that name are located, but there are other websites for that.
  • Also tells about ethnicity of different people with the same name.
  • Tells about total number of profiles with same name on various social networking websites.
  • Even average net worth of people with same name can be known.
  • You can share statistics about your name on various social networks.


Namedat is a fun and interesting website. It has a lot of information about names and some of them are really interesting and fun to know. As I said in the beginning, the statistics are limited to US only, which in turns means that names which do not have any US persons won’t show any results. So, if you are not from US, then you might not be able to find facts about your names, but for others, this could be a good fun thing.

Free/Paid: Free

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