Schedule Wake-Up Call on Phone in Any Country Free

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes] is a free website that lets you schedule wake up calls on any phone in almost any country in the world. You can specify any international phone number, time for the call, and will call up that number at the scheduled time. No registration required and nothing to purchase; just schedule the call and leave the rest to this free wake-up call service. lets you schedule calls to 255 countries in the world! You can schedule a wake-up call up to 1 week in advance.

How to Schedule Free Wakeup Call:

It is very easy to use to schedule a free wakeup call. As I said earlier, no registration is required and no need to download anything. Just go to website of, choose the country from drop-down list, provide phone number on which you want to schedule call, provide date and time of the call, and you are done. will call up that number on the scheduled date and time. When someone picks up the phone, they hear the message “Please wake up now. This wake-up call was sent by”.

I tried scheduling a free wakeup call to India, and it worked perfectly.

Also check out ReminderGuru that alerts you of reminders by calling you up.

List of countries to which free wakeup call can be scheduled:

Here is the list of countries, along with the country code to which free wake-up call can be scheduled. The list is in alphabetical order. As I said before, the calls can be scheduled for 255 countries, so it’s a pretty long list:

Afghanistan (+93), Albania (+355), Algeria (+213), American Samoa (+1 684), Andorra (+376), Angola (+244), Anguilla (+1 264), Antarctica (+672), Antigua And Barbuda (+1 268), Argentina (+54), Armenia (+374), Aruba (+297), Ascension Island (+247), Australia (+61), Austria (+43), Azerbaijan (+994), Bahamas (+1 242), Bahrain (+973), Bangladesh (+880), Barbados (+1 246), Belarus (+375), Belgium (+32), Belize (+501), Benin (+229), Bermuda (+1 441), Bhutan (+975), Bolivia, Bonaire, Bosnia & Herzegovina (+387), Botswana (+267), Brazil (+55), British Indian Ocean Territory (+246), Brunei Darussalam (+673), Bulgaria (+359), Burkina Faso (+226), Burundi (+257), Cambodia (+855), Cameroon (+237), Canada (+1), Cape Verde (+238), Cayman Islands (+1 345), Central African Republic (+236), Chad (+235), Chile (+56), China (+86), Christmas Island (+61), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (+61), Colombia (+57), Comoros (+269), Cook Islands (+682), Costa Rica (+506), Cote d’Ivoire (+225), Croatia (+385), Cuba (+53), Curacao (+599), Cyprus (+357), Czech Republic (+420), Democratic Republic Of Congo (+243), Denmark (+45), Djibouti (+253), Dominica (+1 767), Dominican Republic (+1 809), Dominican Republic (+1 829), Dominican Republic (+1 849), East Timor (+670), Ecuador (+593), Egypt (+20), El Salvador (+503), Equatorial Guinea (+240), Eritrea (+291), Estonia (+372), Ethiopia (+251), European Union (+388), Falkland Islands (+500), Faroe Islands (+298), Fiji (+679), Finland (+358), France (+33), France, French Guiana (+594), French Polynesia (+689), Gabon (+241), Gambia (+220), Georgia (+594), Germany (+49), Ghana (+233), Gibraltar (+350), Greece (+30), Greenland (+299), Grenada (+995), Guadeloupe (+590), Guam (+1 671), Guatemala (+502), Guernsey (+44), Guinea (+224), Guinea-bissau (+245), Guyana (+592), Haiti (+509), Honduras (+504), Hong Kong (+852), Hungary (+36), Iceland (+354), India (+91), Indonesia (+62), Iran, Iraq (+964), Ireland (+353), Isle Of Man (+44), Israel (+972), Italy (+39), Jamaica (+1 876), Japan (+81), Jersey (+44), Jordan (+962), Kazakhstan (+7), Kazakhstan (+7 6), Kazakhstan (+7 7), Kenya (+254), Kiribati (+686), Korea, Korea, Kuwait (+965), Kyrgyzstan (+996), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (+856), Latvia (+371), Lebanon (+961), Lesotho (+266), Liberia (+231), Libya (+218), Liechtenstein (+423), Lithuania (+370), Luxembourg (+352), Macao (+853), Macedonia, Madagascar (+261), Malawi (+265), Malaysia (+60), Maldives (+960), Mali (+223), Malta (+356), Marshall Islands (+692), Martinique (+596), Mauritania (+222), Mauritius (+230), Mayotte (+262), Mexico (+52), Micronesia, Moldova (+373), Monaco (+377), Mongolia (+976), Montenegro (+382), Montserrat (+1 664), Morocco (+212), Mozambique (+258), Myanmar (+95), Namibia (+264), Nauru (+674), Nepal (+977), Netherlands (+31), New Caledonia (+687), New Zealand (+64), Nicaragua (+505), Niger (+227), Nigeria (+234), Niue (+683), Norfolk Island (+672), Northern Mariana Islands (+1 670), Norway (+47), Oman (+968), Pakistan (+92), Palau (+680), Palestinian Territory, Panama (+507), Papua New Guinea (+675), Paraguay (+595), Peru (+51), Philippines (+63), Poland (+48), Portugal (+351), Puerto Rico (+1 787), Puerto Rico (+1 939), Qatar (+974), Republic Of Congo (+242), Reunion (+262), Romania (+40), Russian Federation (+7), Russian Federation (+7 3), Russian Federation (+7 4), Russian Federation (+7 8), Rwanda (+250), Saint Barthélemy (+590), Saint Helena, Saint Kitts And Nevis (+1 869), Saint Lucia (+1 758), Saint Martin (+590), Saint Pierre And Miquelon (+508), Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (+1 784), Samoa (+685), San Marino (+378), Saudi Arabia (+966), Senegal (+221), Serbia (+381), Seychelles (+248), Sierra Leone (+232), Singapore (+65), Sint Maarten (+1 721), Slovakia (+421), Slovenia (+386), Solomon Islands (+677), Somalia (+252), South Africa (+27), South Sudan (+211), Spain (+34), Sri Lanka (+94), Sudan (+249), Suriname (+597), Svalbard And Jan Mayen (+47), Swaziland (+268), Sweden (+46), Switzerland (+41), Syrian Arab Republic (+963), São Tomé and Príncipe (+239), Taiwan, Tajikistan (+992), Tanzania, Thailand (+66), Togo (+228), Tokelau (+690), Tonga (+676), Trinidad And Tobago (+1 868), Tristan de Cunha (+290), Tunisia (+216), Turkey (+90), Turkmenistan (+993), Turks And Caicos Islands (+1 649), Tuvalu (+688), Uganda (+256), Ukraine (+380), United Arab Emirates (+971), United Kingdom (+44), United States (+1), Uruguay (+598), Uzbekistan (+998), Vanuatu (+678), Vatican City State (+379), Vatican City State (+39), Venezuela, Viet Nam (+84), Virgin Islands (British) (+1 284), Virgin Islands (US) (+1 340), Wallis And Futuna (+681), Western Sahara (+212), Yemen (+967), Zambia (+260), Zimbabwe (+263)

Change Voice, Language, and Wake-Up Message:

The free version of does not lets you change the wakeup message or language or voice. However, it does comes with a premium version as well in which you can choose from one of the 26 supported languages, choose between different voices, and more importantly, specify your own message. It costs $0.99 per call and you can buy it for one call at a time.

Cancel Call: also lets you cancel any scheduled call. Just click on Cancel Call tab and provide the phone number to which the call has been scheduled which you want to cancel.

Verdict: is the best wakeup call scheduling service I have come across. The fact that it supports international calls as well is the best feature. And of course, it is simple to use. However, I do believe it can be easily used for abuse or pranks, so it could have been accompanied with free registration or phone number verification. Nevertheless, it is quite good at what it does.

Check out

Free/Paid: Free

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