Share Files of Unlimited Size Online, Start Download without Complete File Upload

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Here is a simple way to share files of unlimited size online and start downloading files without complete file upload. Yes, the receiver can start downloading the files before those are fully uploaded to the server. This makes file sharing process a bit easier.

To share files of unlimited size online, I am covering a free service, known as “LicketyLink“. Another great benefit of this service is you can share multiple files with one single file sharing URL. More files can also be added to the same link later, which makes it more useful. You can also delete your uploaded files as well as sharing URLs anytime you want. You just need to create a free account, sharing link and add files. Anyone with that sharing URL can access all the added files and download them.

multiple files shared

In the screenshot above, you can see I shared some files in batch without worrying about their size limit using this service. The service looks good. However, I wasn’t able to find if this website encrypts the uploaded files or their team can access files with original content. If that bothers you, then I would suggest you don’t upload confidential or important files. But, one thing is pretty sure the website is handy to share blue ray CD/DVDs, music collection, etc.

How To Share Files of Any Size and Start Downloading Files without Complete File Upload Using This Free Service?

Step 1: Open its homepage and then register for a free account.

create an account

Step 2: Now you can create a new link with custom name. When the new link is added, you can drag n drop files for sharing. It supports all types of files be it EXE, MP4, TXT, JAR, etc. As soon as you add files, it will start uploading them. You don’t have to wait until files are uploaded. Just copy the sharing URL and give it to others.

create a new sharing link with custom name and add files

The file upload process is also fast. Still, it depends on your internet connection speed and the file size. The other person(s) need to open that URL and the list of all shared files will be visible. Clicking on any file name will start its download process.

You can’t download all files together in a zip file which you might not like. But you can click on all the shared files one by one to start downloading them.

The Conclusion:

While there are some other large file sharing software (check this list) and services also available but most of them come with file size limit and/or you have to first upload the file completely and then you receive the sharing link. This will not be the case using the service covered here. No need to worry about file size and the most important part is download process can be started before files are uploaded completely.

Try this service.

Free/Paid: Free

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