Free Web Browser With Cloud Storage: Maxthon Cloud Browser

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Maxthon Cloud Browser is a free web browser based around the cloud. It’s available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, and that’s where cloud really helps out a lot. You can register an account with the Maxthon website and then login into Maxthon web browser across all of the supported platforms and directly share images, texts or any other file that you find with the Maxthon.

Maxthon Cloud Browser free web browser default window

Screenshot above shows us the interface of Maxthon Cloud Browser. It’s similar to Google Chrome, but notice that there’s a toolbar all the way to the left, which is something that you don’t find in that many web browsers. Tabs are of course available, even a favorites toolbar. In the top right corner you can access settings. Something that’s interesting would be the split screen feature where you can view two websites side by side.

Key Features of this Free Web Browser are:

  • Lightweight and very fast, websites are opened very fast, without lag.
  • Resource sniffer to scan websites for audio, images, video, download.
  • Cloud data upload, sharing and syncing with other supported devices.
  • Reader mode and Night mode, make text more readable when needed.
  • Comes with built-in ad blocker similar to Ad Block.
  • Maxthon Snap, create website screenshots easily with built-in tools.
  • Large selection of extensions, expand functionality with add-ons.
  • View two websites side by side with split view mode.
  • Comes with built-in support for the Flash video.

Cloud file sharing is very useful because with one application you take care of two things, cloud storage for safe keeping and sharing of your data, and also a free web browser that offers a lot of interesting and useful features, like you can see from the list above. Here are few pointers to help you get started.

How to Browse the Web with Maxthon Cloud Browser?

To setup cloud storage you’re gonna have to click on the Download Manager and from there select My Cloud. If you already have an account simply login, if not, you’re gonna have to register. Once you do that, everything interesting that you have to share can be shared right from the web browser, and easily synced with Maxthon on Android and iOS devices.

Maxthon resource sniffer

What you see in the image above is one of the most interesting feature, the Resource sniffer. It will gather all the images, video and audio from a website and allow you to download it easily.

Maxthon split view

Split view mode, where you can view two websites at the same time can be seen in the image above. This is useful when you have a very big screen resolution.


Maxthon Cloud Browser offers a lot of useful features, so much so that it would be impossible to mention them all here. It offers a bit different interface, which is refreshing. Free cloud storage and cross-platform sharing is particularly useful, especially if you share a lot of documents and files with your mobile devices. Everything works fast and smoothly. Give it a try, free download.

Try out OhHaiPolarity, and reviewed by us.

Works With: Windows, iOS, Mac, Android
Free/Paid: Free

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