My Fotos is a Windows 8 Photo Viewer. You can use it to view Photos from your local storage. In addition to that, you can Rotate, Zoom, Crop, and can even Share those Photos over the Internet and can also save the edited photos on your local storage.
My Fotos is freely available in the Photo category of the Windows store.
View, Crop, Share Photos using this free Windows 8 Photo Viewer
As you get to the landing page of My Fotos, all the photos and pictures available on your system shall be organized by the app according to the date on which they were taken or saved on your system.
As you select to view any of the photo that is available there, the options to zoom certain parts of the photos and the option to share the photo will be available on the upper right part of the app.
Zoom: You can use the zoom option to view certain parts of the photo. For that, you just have to choose the option on the right side, and as you click over the parts of photos, they would be magnified. Just hold the mouse button, and as you drag to certain parts of the photos, you can view them.
Share Photos: In addition to that, you can use the option that is on the left side to share the photos over the Internet.Option to share photos after cropping them is also available, but I would discuss that later in the review.
Crop Photos: To crop the photos that are available here, you can use the bottom flyout of the app. There, the option to crop is available on the lower left side. After you have cropped the photo, you have to save it on your local storage, so that it can further be utilized for other options like sharing, present in the app.
You can save the photos in BMP, GIF, PNG, JPG, and TIFF formats. After you save the photo on your local storage, the app will update its database, and you can then do other things like sharing, rotating the photo.
Rotate Photo: To rotate your photo, you can use the option for it that is available on the bottom flyout on the left side with a curved arrow. For each time you use this option, the app will rotate your photo by 90 degree in the clockwise direction.
Also check Picture and Photo Moto
Key Features of My Fotos
- My Fotos is freely available in the Windows Store.
- You can use it to rotate, zoom, and crop your photos.
- The Photos can be saved on your local storage, and can also be shared.
- The working of the app is quite smooth and its operations are quite easy to understand.
My Verdict on My Fotos
Going by my experience, I would like to say that My Fotos is a nice Windows 8 Photo Viewer that lets you do simple cropping, rotating, and sharing. Try it to know more.