5 Printable Mad Libs For Kids Online

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Here, I cover 5 printable Mad Libs for kids online. These worksheets are free to print or download. Using these sites, you don’t need to generate Mad Libs game, these sites offer printable worksheets that have already a story. Every story has missing words in between the phrases. Kids need to fill empty blanks by entering random names, adjectives, verbs, numbers, plural nouns, etc., in order to complete the story. Once kids complete the story, you can read it aloud and eventually the story becomes funny to listen. Some of these websites have a good collection of Mad Libs which are under different categories such as a fun park, On the beach, autumn fun, etc., while some sites have a few Mad Libs worksheet which you can take prints to play.

Mad Libs is a fun game which you can play at a party, home, schools, etc. Teachers can take prints of these Mad Libs stories and provide to the children. It is an interesting play for children to make them laugh at each other’s story and make the person funny.

Let’s go through each website one by one.

1. woojr.com

Mother's day Mad Libs

Woojr.com is a good website for kids as it offers multiple printable worksheets kids. The site provides other activities as well like dot to dot activity, logic puzzles for kids, cut and paste Halloween faces and so on.

Here, you will get variable Mad Libs worksheets with different categories named as Winter Mad Libs, Spring Mad Libs, Mothers day Mad Libs, etc.

In the image above, I picked Mad Libs worksheet named Happy mother’s day. You can see that there are blanks which can be filled by kids in order to complete the Mad Libs game. You can take prints and provide sheets to children to play.

2. teAchnology

Printable Mad Libs

The website (teAchnology) is a website that offers free printable Mad Libs for kids. The site provides various printable worksheets in which you can find Mad Lib printable worksheets.

In the Mad Libs section, you will find 14 different categories for Mad Libs worksheets. For example, My day as an Author, Basic cloze worksheet, At the arcade, Easter Mad Lib, etc. You can click on any category which you want to get printed. Once you select the category, you will get a worksheet in PDF format.

Here, I clicked on the worksheet named My day as an Author. The worksheet has missing words in between the sentences which you can fill in order to complete the story.

To print the sheet, you will see a print icon on the top right of the worksheet. You can download the sheet as well.


Mad Libs for kids

SCHOLASTIC is a similar website as the above-mentioned site. This site provides free printable Mad Libs. However, this site does not have a vast collection of Mad Libs worksheets. But you can find beautiful prints of Mad Libs game.

You can see in the image above, the worksheet is quite attractive to see. It is the story of a squirrel. Children can fill random words with the help of suggestions that are mentioned below each blank, like name, thing, adjective, numbers, etc. You can try these worksheets, take prints and distribute among children.

4. familyeducation

Printable Mad Libs

The website (familyeducation) is another way to get printable Mad Libs for kids. Once you visit the site, you will see that there are a lot of activities for kids. As the name suggests, it is the family education where family members can learn on few topics like health and nutrition, baby names, etc., and other topics that are related to children’s games and education.

In the image above, you can see the Mad Libs sheet named On the beach. This is beach story with blank lines. Children have to fill these blanks by taking help from the suggestions mentioned below the blank lines.

5. Mad Libs Worksheet

Mad Libs Worksheet

Mad Libs Worksheet (PDF) is basically a PDF file of 11 pages. Each page has a different worksheet which you can print to play Mad Libs with your friends. The PDF file has a good collection of Mad Libs of different categories such as A day at the zoo, the fun park, the great new toy, etc.

You can take prints of these worksheets either of all the collection or any individual to play MadLibs.

Tip: Though these sites offer printable Mad Libs worksheets, if you want to generate your own story then you can use Google sheet add-on named Flippity. This add-on has a predefined template which you can edit and create your own story. You can share the link and play Mad Libs online. Read this article in detail.

In brief

Mad Libs game is amazing to play as it makes the person sound funny. You can easily get prints for Mad Libs phrasal stories and fill the blanks in order to complete a story. You may try these sites and let the children play Mad Libs.

Free/Paid: Free

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