5 Websites to Get Science Project Ideas

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Here is a list of 5 websites to get science project ideas for your school or college. These websites provide you with numerous science project ideas for almost all class groups of both schools and colleges. All the science projects spread across wide range of categories and you can filter them as per your need and interest. These projects can be used for science fair, competition, exhibition or any other purpose.

The good thing about all these websites is that you don’t have to register for any kind of account to use their services. Just open the website you like, search for project, choose the one you like, and start working on it. They also include steps you need to follow for completing the project.

1. Science Buddies: 

Science Buddies

Science Buddies is the first website in the list. It gives you a wide range of options to find the best project for you. You have to enter the details like due date, grad-level in school, topic of interest followed by answering a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of multiple question which help website in shortlisting projects matching your needs. From the list of projects, click on the project you want to work on.

On the selected project page, you will get the detailed info of the project. All details are categorized into following sections: Summary, Background, Materials, Procedure, Make It Your Own, and Help. Click on the corresponding section to read it and complete your project easily.

2. Education.com:


Second website for you to search for projects is Education. It lets you search for projects on the basis of grade, subject, and any custom keyword. It has science projects for students of grade Kindergarten to High School. On the projects listing page, you can sort the results as Most Relevant, Highest Rated, Our Favorites, or Most Recent. On project page, you can check project ratings, project author, topic suitable for, grade level, type, and the complete procedure to do it. You can also comment on the project and share them with others via social media platforms.

3. All Science Fair Projects:

All Science Fair Projects

All Science Fair Projects is the next website for you to watch out. It has three main sections: Search, Browse and Links. The Search option lets you find the projects by specifying the keywords, difficulty level, and category level. Based on this, the web site shows all available science projects which match your requirement closely. On search results page, you can read a preview of all projects, title, and difficulty level. Clicking on any project will take you to its detailed info page. Here, you can see the description, instructions preview and an option to go to the project page.

4. Science Fair Adventure:

Science Fair Adventure

Science Fair Adventure is the second last website in the list. This is the website where you will find all the projects being well categorized. Some of the categories are Popular, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Environmental Science and many more. Below all categories, there’s a section called All Projects List which lists all the projects regardless of their category.

Clicking on any project will take you to its description page including the procedure for conducting the project. It also shows additional information regarding the project. You can also comment on the project, share it via social media and email, rate it and print the page.

5. Science Kids:

Science Kids

Science Kids is the last website in the list. This website has categorized all the projects in two categories: Easy science projects for kids and Science fair project help & ideas. You can browse any or both the lists as per your requirement. The website includes detailed projects for the first category but for the second one, they just give the list of project ideas. So you will need to search the internet or reference books to complete them.

With this, It’s time to wrap up this list of 5 free websites to get science project ideas. Check them out to look for unique and best science projects.

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