Alternative to Flipping a Coin

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The Universal Decision Maker is a fun free online app to help you when you can’t decide between 2 things. It’s like a fun alternative to flipping a coin. If you are bored of flipping a coin to decide then you can try this fun alternative.

Here is a screenshot of this app:

How this works is, firstly you have to decide a question in your mind which can be answered in yes or no. Then just click on the start button and the two insect like things start moving towards the finish line. If the insect on the Green side reaches the finish line first then the answer is a Yes and it will also be displayed on the right hand side of the page. If the insect on the red side reaches the finish line first then the answer is No, which is also displayed on the screen.

Here is a totally lame funny video showing how to win at flipping a coin every time.

It is a totally lame fun app, if you don’t have anything else to go on when making a decision. Then no harm in giving this universal decision maker a try.

Free/Paid: Free

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