Free Website To Find Similar Authors Based On Your Search

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Literature-Map is a free website to find authors similar to the ones you like. It is a search engine to search for similar authors whose work you might like the most. After you have searched for a similar author on this free website, it will then return a list of authors arranged in an intelligent way. The author name that appears closest to the author name you searched for is the one whose work you might like the most. If you click on any author name in the result then it repeats the same process and displays a list of similar authors to the one you clicked on. It would have been better if it displayed some book recommendations as well.

It is a part of GNOD (Global Network Of Discovery), you can visit GNOD to discover music, movies, art, and products.

Free Website To Find Similar Authors Based On Your Search

If you have an immense love for reading, then do check out Free Books which lets you download a large number of books from different authors and categories. As I have mentioned above, it does not display any book recommendations for a particular author or similar authors in search results or anywhere else in the website. If you want to get book recommendations based on authors then make sure you check out this tutorial. Also, check out these 5 free Chrome extensions to search books online.

You can use this free website to search for similar authors to your favorite ones.

How to find similar authors:

Literature-Map comes with a straight forward interface to find similar authors. You just have to visit it from the link provided at the end of this article and then specify an author name of which you want to find similar authors, as shown in the screenshot below. Free Website To Find Similar Authors Based On Your Search

After you have searched for similar authors, it displays a list of authors in a smart way, as you can see in the main screenshot. The author names that appear closest to your searched author name are the ones who are most similar and whose work you might like the most.

If you want to get book recommendations for the closest author displayed in the search results then you can use the method described in the tutorial whose link I have provided above.


Literature-Map is a free website to find similar artists. I can recommend you to check it out if you are trying to find a similar author to your favorite one. It would have been a lot better if it displayed some book recommendations along with the list of similar authors.

Start using Literature-Map from here.

Free/Paid: Free

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